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* warren is the server part of weir
Listen for http posts on two routes,
** goals
1. teach me how to do proper python packaging
2. give me a reason to build out actual CI (i'm thinking drone?)
3. help me keep track of my burgeoning compute footprint
** roadmap
- [X] listen for posts on a specific url
- [X] save data extracted from body of post to sqlite
- [X] actually get the tox/make/linting shit to work
- [ ] Write directory handling stuff for new db create
- [ ] Make sure logging is working as expected; i think i've done something wrong with naming with caps.
- [ ] Migrate away from flask's dev server and use a real WSGI server per the in-app warning
- [ ] ^^ but postgresql and in a managed instance
- [ ] gui front end for sql queries
** references
gonna try this new packaging paradigm:
** notes to myself
- flit is interesting but REALLY frustrating; if you get something wrong the errors are not very obvious.
- there's some issue with entering a password in the cli as prompted; putting it in the ~.pypirc~ file fixes the issue?