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# colove
a container of love
## usage
### prep
First, build the container:
`py -b`
Then, run the container and attach:
`py -r`
### in the container
1. `. /colove/setup/`
2. pass in your gpg key
3. add ssh keys to your ssh-agent (TODO: fucking do this automatically)
- `ssh-add ~/path/to/file`
4. run any deploys you want
#### deployments
1. Mojobot
- cd to the deploy folder
- `ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml mojo.yml --ask-vault-pass`
- this will deploy it automatically to docker hosts. eventually i'll need to update targets
2. arke
- cd to deploy folder
- `ansible-playbook -i hosts arke.yml`
- has to be deployed on same docker host as mojo. they share the `towervol` docker volume to share data
3. znc
- cd to deploy folder
- `ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml znc.yml`
- currently deploys to dockerhosts datagroup.