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import unittest
from unittest.mock import Mock
import nio
from molly.callbacks import Callbacks
from import Storage
from tests.utils import make_awaitable, run_coroutine
class CallbacksTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
# Create a Callbacks object and give it some Mock'd objects to use
self.fake_client = Mock(spec=nio.AsyncClient)
self.fake_client.user = ""
self.fake_storage = Mock(spec=Storage)
# We don't spec config, as it doesn't currently have well defined attributes
self.fake_config = Mock()
self.callbacks = Callbacks(
self.fake_client, self.fake_storage, self.fake_config
def test_invite(self):
"""Tests the callback for InviteMemberEvents"""
# Tests that the bot attempts to join a room after being invited to it
# Create a fake room and invite event to call the 'invite' callback with
fake_room = Mock(spec=nio.MatrixRoom)
fake_room_id = "!"
fake_room.room_id = fake_room_id
fake_invite_event = Mock(spec=nio.InviteMemberEvent)
fake_invite_event.sender = ""
# Pretend that attempting to join a room is always successful
self.fake_client.join.return_value = make_awaitable(None)
# Pretend that we received an invite event
run_coroutine(self.callbacks.invite(fake_room, fake_invite_event))
# Check that we attempted to join the room
if __name__ == "__main__":