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Enabling metrics and graphs for your Matrix server (optional)

It can be useful to have some (visual) insight in the performance of your homeserver.

You can enable this with the following settings in your configuration file (inventory/host_vars/matrix.<your-domain>/vars.yml):

matrix_prometheus_enabled: true

matrix_synapse_metrics_enabled: true
matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_enabled: true

matrix_grafana_enabled: true
matrix_grafana_anonymous_access: true
matrix_grafana_default_admin_user: yourname
matrix_grafana_default_admin_password: securelongpassword

What does it do?

Name Description
matrix_prometheus_enabled Prometheus is a time series database. It holds all the data we're going to talk about.
matrix_synapse_metrics_enabled Enables metrics specific to Synapse
matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_enabled Node Exporter is an addon of sorts to Prometheus that collects generic system information such as CPU, memory, filesystem, and even system temperatures
matrix_grafana_enabled Grafana is the visual component. It shows the dashboards with the graphs that we're interested in
matrix_grafana_anonymous_access By default you need to login to see graphs. If you want to publicly share your graphs (e.g. when asking for help in you'll want to enable this option.
By default Grafana creates a user with admin as the username and password. If you feel this is insecure and you want to change it beforehand, you can do that here

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