2019-01-31 10:58:45 -05:00

22 KiB

Setting up Appservice IRC (optional)

The playbook can install and configure matrix-appservice-irc for you.

See the project's documentation to learn what it does and why it might be useful to you.

You'll need to use the following playbook configuration:

matrix_appservice_irc_enabled: true
matrix_appservice_irc_configuration_extension_yaml: |
  # Your custom YAML configuration for Appservice IRC servers goes here.
  # This configuration extends the default starting configuration (`matrix_appservice_irc_configuration_yaml`).
  # You can override individual variables from the default configuration, or introduce new ones.
  # If you need something more special, you can take full control by
  # completely redefining `matrix_appservice_irc_configuration_yaml`.
  # Example configuration extension follows:
    databaseUri: "nedb://data" # does not typically need modification
    passwordEncryptionKeyPath: "/data/passkey.pem" # does not typically need modification
      eventCacheSize: 4096
      # The address of the server to connect to.
        # A human-readable short name. This is used to label IRC status rooms
        # where matrix users control their connections.
        # E.g. 'ExampleNet IRC Bridge status'.
        # It is also used in the Third Party Lookup API as the instance `desc`
        # property, where each server is an instance.
        name: "ExampleNet"
        additionalAddresses: [ "" ]
        # [DEPRECATED] Use `name`, above, instead.
        # A human-readable description string
        # description: " IRC network"
        # An ID for uniquely identifying this server amongst other servers being bridged.
        # networkId: "example"
        # URL to an icon used as the network icon whenever this network appear in
        # a network list. (Like in the riot room directory, for instance.)
        # icon:
        # The port to connect to. Optional.
        port: 6697
        # Whether to use SSL or not. Default: false.
        ssl: true
        # Whether or not IRC server is using a self-signed cert or not providing CA Chain
        sslselfsign: false
        # Should the connection attempt to identify via SASL (if a server or user password is given)
        # If false, this will use PASS instead. If SASL fails, we do not fallback to PASS.
        sasl: false
        # Whether to allow expired certs when connecting to the IRC server.
        # Usually this should be off. Default: false.
        allowExpiredCerts: false
        # A specific CA to trust instead of the default CAs. Optional.
        #ca: |
        #  -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        #  ...
        #  -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        # The connection password to send for all clients as a PASS (or SASL, if enabled above) command. Optional.
        # password: 'pa$$w0rd'
        # Whether or not to send connection/error notices to real Matrix users. Default: true.
        sendConnectionMessages: true
          # Whether parts due to net-splits are debounced for delayMs, to allow
          # time for the netsplit to resolve itself. A netsplit is detected as being
          # a QUIT rate higher than quitsPerSecond. Default: false.
          enabled: false
          # The maximum number of quits per second acceptable above which a netsplit is
          # considered ongoing. Default: 5.
          quitsPerSecond: 5
          # The time window in which to wait before bridging a QUIT to Matrix that occurred during
          # a netsplit. Debouncing is jittered randomly between delayMinMs and delayMaxMs so that the HS
          # is not sent many requests to leave rooms all at once if a netsplit occurs and many
          # people to not rejoin.
          # If the user with the same IRC nick as the one who sent the quit rejoins a channel
          # they are considered back online and the quit is not bridged, so long as the rejoin
          # occurs before the randomly-jittered timeout is not reached.
          # Default: 3600000, = 1h
          delayMinMs: 3600000 # 1h
          # Default: 7200000, = 2h
          delayMaxMs: 7200000 # 2h
        # A map for conversion of IRC user modes to Matrix power levels. This enables bridging
        # of IRC ops to Matrix power levels only, it does not enable the reverse. If a user has
        # been given multiple modes, the one that maps to the highest power level will be used.
          o: 50
          # Enable the presence of the bot in IRC channels. The bot serves as the entity
          # which maps from IRC -> Matrix. You can disable the bot entirely which
          # means IRC -> Matrix chat will be shared by active "M-Nick" connections
          # in the room. If there are no users in the room (or if there are users
          # but their connections are not on IRC) then nothing will be bridged to
          # Matrix. If you're concerned about the bot being treated as a "logger"
          # entity, then you may want to disable the bot. If you want IRC->Matrix
          # but don't want to have TCP connections to IRC unless a Matrix user speaks
          # (because your client connection limit is low), then you may want to keep
          # the bot enabled. Default: true.
          # NB: If the bot is disabled, you SHOULD have matrix-to-IRC syncing turned
          #     on, else there will be no users and no bot in a channel (meaning no
          #     messages to Matrix!) until a Matrix user speaks which makes a client
          #     join the target IRC channel.
          # NBB: The bridge bot IRC client will still join the target IRC network so
          #      it can service bridge-specific queries from the IRC-side e.g. so
          #      real IRC clients have a way to change their Matrix display name.
          #      See
          enabled: true
          # The nickname to give the AS bot.
          nick: "MatrixBot"
          # The password to give to NickServ or IRC Server for this nick. Optional.
          # password: "helloworld"
          # Join channels even if there are no Matrix users on the other side of
          # the bridge. Set to false to prevent the bot from joining channels which have no
          # real matrix users in them, even if there is a mapping for the channel.
          # Default: true
          joinChannelsIfNoUsers: true
        # Configuration for PMs / private 1:1 communications between users.
          # Enable the ability for PMs to be sent to/from IRC/Matrix.
          # Default: true.
          enabled: true
          # Prevent Matrix users from sending PMs to the following IRC nicks.
          # Optional. Default: [].
          # exclude: ["Alice", "Bob"] # NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
          # Should created Matrix PM rooms be federated? If false, only users on the
          # HS attached to this AS will be able to interact with this room.
          # Optional. Default: true.
          federate: true
        # Configuration for mappings not explicitly listed in the 'mappings'
        # section.
          # Enable the ability for Matrix users to join *any* channel on this IRC
          # network.
          # Default: false.
          enabled: true
          # Should the AS create a room alias for the new Matrix room? The form of
          # the alias can be modified via 'aliasTemplate'. Default: true.
          createAlias: true
          # Should the AS publish the new Matrix room to the public room list so
          # anyone can see it? Default: true.
          published: true
          # What should the join_rule be for the new Matrix room? If 'public',
          # anyone can join the room. If 'invite', only users with an invite can
          # join the room. Note that if an IRC channel has +k or +i set on it,
          # join_rules will be set to 'invite' until these modes are removed.
          # Default: "public".
          joinRule: public
          # This will set the state event in newly created rooms
          # with the given groupId. This means flares will show up on IRC users in those rooms.
          # This should be set to the same thing as namespaces.users.group_id in irc_registration.
          # This does not alter existing rooms.
          # Leaving this option empty will not set the event.
          groupId: +myircnetwork:localhost
          # Should created Matrix rooms be federated? If false, only users on the
          # HS attached to this AS will be able to interact with this room.
          # Default: true.
          federate: true
          # The room alias template to apply when creating new aliases. This only
          # applies if createAlias is 'true'. The following variables are exposed:
          # $SERVER => The IRC server address (e.g. "")
          # $CHANNEL => The IRC channel (e.g. "#python")
          # This MUST have $CHANNEL somewhere in it.
          # Default: '#irc_$SERVER_$CHANNEL'
          aliasTemplate: "#irc_$CHANNEL"
          # A list of user IDs which the AS bot will send invites to in response
          # to a !join. Only applies if joinRule is 'invite'. Default: []
          # whitelist:
          #   - ""
          #   - ""
          # Prevent the given list of channels from being mapped under any
          # circumstances.
          # exclude: ["#foo", "#bar"]
        # Configuration for controlling how Matrix and IRC membership lists are
        # synced.
          # Enable the syncing of membership lists between IRC and Matrix. This
          # can have a significant effect on performance on startup as the lists are
          # synced. This must be enabled for anything else in this section to take
          # effect. Default: false.
          enabled: false
          # Syncing membership lists at startup can result in hundreds of members to
          # process all at once. This timer drip feeds membership entries at the
          # specified rate. Default: 10000. (10s)
          floodDelayMs: 10000
              # Get a snapshot of all real IRC users on a channel (via NAMES) and
              # join their virtual matrix clients to the room.
              initial: false
              # Make virtual matrix clients join and leave rooms as their real IRC
              # counterparts join/part channels. Default: false.
              incremental: false
              # Get a snapshot of all real Matrix users in the room and join all of
              # them to the mapped IRC channel on startup. Default: false.
              initial: false
              # Make virtual IRC clients join and leave channels as their real Matrix
              # counterparts join/leave rooms. Make sure your 'maxClients' value is
              # high enough! Default: false.
              incremental: false
          # Apply specific rules to Matrix rooms. Only matrix-to-IRC takes effect.
            - room: "!fuasirouddJoxtwfge:localhost"
                initial: false
                incremental: false
          # Apply specific rules to IRC channels. Only IRC-to-matrix takes effect.
            - channel: "#foo"
                initial: false
                incremental: false
          # 1:many mappings from IRC channels to room IDs on this IRC server.
          # The matrix room must already exist. Your matrix client should expose
          # the room ID in a "settings" page for the room.
          "#thepub": ["!kieouiJuedJoxtVdaG:localhost"]
        # Configuration for virtual matrix users. The following variables are
        # exposed:
        # $NICK => The IRC nick
        # $SERVER => The IRC server address (e.g. "")
          # The user ID template to use when creating virtual matrix users. This
          # MUST have $NICK somewhere in it.
          # Optional. Default: "@$SERVER_$NICK".
          # Example: ""
          userTemplate: "@irc_$NICK"
          # The display name to use for created matrix clients. This should have
          # $NICK somewhere in it if it is specified. Can also use $SERVER to
          # insert the IRC domain.
          # Optional. Default: "$NICK (IRC)". Example: "Alice (IRC)"
          displayName: "$NICK (IRC)"
          # Number of tries a client can attempt to join a room before the request
          # is discarded. You can also use -1 to never retry or 0 to never give up.
          # Optional. Default: -1
          joinAttempts: -1
        # Configuration for virtual IRC users. The following variables are exposed:
        # $LOCALPART => The user ID localpart ("alice" in @alice:localhost)
        # $USERID => The user ID
        # $DISPLAY => The display name of this user, with excluded characters
        #             (e.g. space) removed. If the user has no display name, this
        #             falls back to $LOCALPART.
          # The template to apply to every IRC client nick. This MUST have either
          # $DISPLAY or $USERID or $LOCALPART somewhere in it.
          # Optional. Default: "M-$DISPLAY". Example: "M-Alice".
          nickTemplate: "$DISPLAY[m]"
          # True to allow virtual IRC clients to change their nick on this server
          # by issuing !nick <server> <nick> commands to the IRC AS bot.
          # This is completely freeform: it will NOT follow the nickTemplate.
          allowNickChanges: true
          # The max number of IRC clients that will connect. If the limit is
          # reached, the client that spoke the longest time ago will be
          # disconnected and replaced.
          # Optional. Default: 30.
          maxClients: 30
          # IPv6 configuration.
            # Optional. Set to true to force IPv6 for outgoing connections.
            only: false
            # Optional. The IPv6 prefix to use for generating unique addresses for each
            # connected user. If not specified, all users will connect from the same
            # (default) address. This may require additional OS-specific work to allow
            # for the node process to bind to multiple different source addresses
            # e.g IP_FREEBIND on Linux, which requires an LD_PRELOAD with the library
            # as Node does not expose setsockopt.
            # prefix: "2001:0db8:85a3::"  # modify appropriately
          # The maximum amount of time in seconds that the client can exist
          # without sending another message before being disconnected. Use 0 to
          # not apply an idle timeout. This value is ignored if this IRC server is
          # mirroring matrix membership lists to IRC. Default: 172800 (48 hours)
          idleTimeout: 10800
          # The number of millseconds to wait between consecutive reconnections if a
          # client gets disconnected. Setting to 0 will cause the scheduling to be
          # disabled, i.e. it will be scheduled immediately (with jitter.
          # Otherwise, the scheduling interval will be used such that one client
          # reconnect for this server will be handled every reconnectIntervalMs ms using
          # a FIFO queue.
          # Default: 5000 (5 seconds)
          reconnectIntervalMs: 5000
          # The number of concurrent reconnects if a user has been disconnected unexpectedly
          # (e.g. a netsplit). You should set this to a reasonably high number so that
          # bridges are not waiting an eternity to reconnect all its clients if
          # we see a massive number of disconnect. This is unrelated to the reconnectIntervalMs
          # setting above which is for connecting on restart of the bridge. Set to 0 to
          # immediately try to reconnect all users.
          # Default: 50
          concurrentReconnectLimit: 50
          # The number of lines to allow being sent by the IRC client that has received
          # a large block of text to send from matrix. If the number of lines that would
          # be sent is > lineLimit, the text will instead be uploaded to matrix and the
          # resulting URI is treated as a file. As such, a link will be sent to the IRC
          # side instead of potentially spamming IRC and getting the IRC client kicked.
          # Default: 3.
          lineLimit: 3
          # A list of user modes to set on every IRC client. For example, "RiG" would set
          # +R, +i and +G on every IRC connection when they have successfully connected.
          # User modes vary wildly depending on the IRC network you're connecting to,
          # so check before setting this value. Some modes may not work as intended
          # through the bridge e.g. caller ID as there is no way to /ACCEPT.
          # Default: "" (no user modes)
          # userModes: "R"
    # Configuration for an ident server. If you are running a public bridge it is
    # advised you setup an ident server so IRC mods can ban specific matrix users
    # rather than the application service itself.
      # True to listen for Ident requests and respond with the
      # matrix user's user_id (converted to ASCII, respecting RFC 1413).
      # Default: false.
      enabled: false
      # The port to listen on for incoming ident requests.
      # Ports below 1024 require root to listen on, and you may not want this to
      # run as root. Instead, you can get something like an Apache to yank up
      # incoming requests to 113 to a high numbered port. Set the port to listen
      # on instead of 113 here.
      # Default: 113.
      port: 1113
      # The address to listen on for incoming ident requests.
      # Default:
      address: "::"
    # Configuration for logging. Optional. Default: console debug level logging
    # only.
      # Level to log on console/logfile. One of error|warn|info|debug
      level: "debug"
      # The file location to log to. This is relative to the project directory.
      logfile: "debug.log"
      # The file location to log errors to. This is relative to the project
      # directory.
      errfile: "errors.log"
      # Whether to log to the console or not.
      toConsole: true
      # The max number of files to keep. Files will be overwritten eventually due
      # to rotations.
      maxFiles: 5
    # Optional. Enable Prometheus metrics. If this is enabled, you MUST install `prom-client`:
    #   $ npm install prom-client@6.3.0
    # Metrics will then be available via GET /metrics on the bridge listening port (-p).
      # Whether to actually enable the metric endpoint. Default: false
      enabled: true
      # When collecting remote user active times, which "buckets" should be used. Defaults are given below.
      # The bucket name is formed of a duration and a period. (h=hours,d=days,w=weeks).
        - "1h"
        - "1d"
        - "1w"
    # The nedb database URI to connect to. This is the name of the directory to
    # dump .db files to. This is relative to the project directory.
    # Required.
    databaseUri: "nedb://data"
    # Configuration options for the debug HTTP API. To access this API, you must
    # append ?access_token=$APPSERVICE_TOKEN (from the registration file) to the requests.
    # The debug API exposes the following endpoints:
    #   GET /irc/$domain/user/$user_id => Return internal state for the IRC client for this user ID.
    #   POST /irc/$domain/user/$user_id => Issue a raw IRC command down this connection.
    #                                      Format: new line delimited commands as per IRC protocol.
      # True to enable the HTTP API endpoint. Default: false.
      enabled: false
      # The port to host the HTTP API.
      port: 11100
    # Configuration for the provisioning API.
    # GET /_matrix/provision/link
    # GET /_matrix/provision/unlink
    # GET /_matrix/provision/listlinks
      # True to enable the provisioning HTTP endpoint. Default: false.
      enabled: false
      # The number of seconds to wait before giving up on getting a response from
      # an IRC channel operator. If the channel operator does not respond within the
      # allotted time period, the provisioning request will fail.
      # Default: 300 seconds (5 mins)
      requestTimeoutSeconds: 300
    # WARNING: The bridge needs to send plaintext passwords to the IRC server, it cannot
    # send a password hash. As a result, passwords (NOT hashes) are stored encrypted in
    # the database.
    # To generate a .pem file:
    # $ openssl genpkey -out passkey.pem -outform PEM -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
    # The path to the RSA PEM-formatted private key to use when encrypting IRC passwords
    # for storage in the database. Passwords are stored by using the admin room command
    # `!storepass passw0rd. When a connection is made to IRC on behalf of
    # the Matrix user, this password will be sent as the server password (PASS command).
    passwordEncryptionKeyPath: "passkey.pem"
    # Config for Matrix -> IRC bridging
      # Cache this many matrix events in memory to be used for m.relates_to messages (usually replies).
      eventCacheSize: 4096  

You then need to start a chat with @irc_bot:{{ hostname_identity }}