Slavi Pantaleev bce165f247 Do not suggest DEBUG logging when submitting issues
It's been pointed out that DEBUG logs could contain sensitive
information (access tokens, etc.), which makes them unsuitable
for sharing with others. INFO should be enough.
2019-08-06 07:14:52 +03:00

1.4 KiB

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

How to see the current status of your services

You can check the status of your services by using systemctl status. Example:

sudo systemctl status matrix-nginx-proxy

● matrix-nginx-proxy.service - Matrix nginx proxy server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/matrix-nginx-proxy.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-11-14 19:38:35 UTC; 49min ago

You can see the logs by using journalctl. Example:

sudo journalctl -fu matrix-synapse

Increasing Synapse logging

Because the Synapse Matrix server is originally very chatty when it comes to logging, we intentionally reduce its logging level from INFO to WARNING.

If you'd like to debug an issue or report a Synapse bug to the developers, it'd be better if you temporarily increasing the logging level to INFO.

Example configuration (inventory/host_vars/matrix.DOMAIN/vars.yml):

matrix_synapse_log_level: "INFO"
matrix_synapse_storage_sql_log_level: "INFO"
matrix_synapse_root_log_level: "INFO"

Re-run the playbook after making these configuration changes.


See the dedicated PostgreSQL Maintenance documentation page.