2021-02-26 17:27:48 -06:00

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* setup from scratch:
** install dependencies
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
** run a play
~ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml all.yml --ask-vault-pass --ask-become-pass~
** preparing open_the_vault
* wg
** clients
you probably want to deploy clients individually most of the time. to do that, provide a tag, like:
~ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml client_matrix.yml --ask-vault-pass --ask-become-pass --tags matrix_client~
** adding a client
- generate a new public/private keypair
- ~umask 077~
- ~wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey~
- add the pubkey to the groupvars/main.yml
- add the privkey to the groupvars/vault.yml
- add a task referencing the new client
- add a template with the groupvars embedded.
* instructions on specific roles
** awfulAll
awfulAll is a single server that's a catch all for services that don't need a dedicated vm.
~ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml awfulAll.yml --tags awfulAll~
** mediaserver
~ansible-playbook awfulAll.yml --tags mediaserver~
** certs/letsencrypt/acme stuff ~ansible-playbook acme-all.yml -v~
- right now for bouncer, syno