Update readme, pyproject.toml to reference readme.

josiah 3 years ago
parent 20f44c8a8f
commit 0d35a9b5d2

@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ author-email = "me@jowj.net"
home-page = "https://git.awful.club/projects/warren"
classifiers = [ "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",]
description-file = "readme.org"

@ -16,3 +16,7 @@ Listen for http posts on two routes,
- [ ] gui front end for sql queries
** references
gonna try this new packaging paradigm: https://antonz.org/python-packaging/
** notes to myself
- flit is interesting but REALLY frustrating; if you get something wrong the errors are not very obvious.
- there's some issue with entering a password in the cli as prompted; putting it in the ~.pypirc~ file fixes the issue?