# Domain of service DOMAIN=mm.example.com # Container settings ## Timezone inside the containers. The value needs to be in the form 'Europe/Berlin'. ## A list of these tz database names can be looked up at Wikipedia ## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones TZ=UTC RESTART_POLICY=unless-stopped # Postgres settings ## Documentation for this image and available settings can be found on hub.docker.com ## https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres ## Please keep in mind this will create a superuser and it's recommended to use a less privileged ## user to connect to the database. ## A guide on how to change the database user to a nonsuperuser can be found in docs/creation-of-nonsuperuser.md POSTGRES_IMAGE_TAG=13-alpine POSTGRES_DATA_PATH=./volumes/db/var/lib/postgresql/data POSTGRES_USER=mmuser POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mmuser_password POSTGRES_DB=mattermost # Nginx ## The nginx container will use a configuration found at the NGINX_MATTERMOST_CONFIG. The config aims ## to be secure and uses a catch-all server vhost which will work out-of-the-box. For additional settings ## or changes ones can edit it or provide another config. Important note: inside the container, nginx sources ## every config file inside */etc/nginx/conf.d* ending with a *.conf* file extension. ## Inside the container the uid and gid is 101. The folder owner can be set with ## `sudo chown -R 101:101 ./nginx` if needed. NGINX_IMAGE_TAG=alpine ## The folder containing server blocks and any additional config to nginx.conf NGINX_CONFIG_PATH=./nginx/conf.d NGINX_DHPARAMS_FILE=./nginx/dhparams4096.pem CERT_PATH=./volumes/web/cert/cert.pem KEY_PATH=./volumes/web/cert/key-no-password.pem #GITLAB_PKI_CHAIN_PATH=/pki_chain.pem #CERT_PATH=./certs/etc/letsencrypt/live/${DOMAIN}/fullchain.pem #KEY_PATH=./certs/etc/letsencrypt/live/${DOMAIN}/privkey.pem ## Exposed ports to the host. Inside the container 80, 443 and 8443 will be used HTTPS_PORT=443 HTTP_PORT=80 CALLS_PORT=8443 # Mattermost settings ## Inside the container the uid and gid is 2000. The folder owner can be set with ## `sudo chown -R 2000:2000 ./volumes/app/mattermost`. MATTERMOST_CONFIG_PATH=./volumes/app/mattermost/config MATTERMOST_DATA_PATH=./volumes/app/mattermost/data MATTERMOST_LOGS_PATH=./volumes/app/mattermost/logs MATTERMOST_PLUGINS_PATH=./volumes/app/mattermost/plugins MATTERMOST_CLIENT_PLUGINS_PATH=./volumes/app/mattermost/client/plugins MATTERMOST_BLEVE_INDEXES_PATH=./volumes/app/mattermost/bleve-indexes ## Bleve index (inside the container) MM_BLEVESETTINGS_INDEXDIR=/mattermost/bleve-indexes ## This will be 'mattermost-enterprise-edition' or 'mattermost-team-edition' based on the version of Mattermost you're installing. MATTERMOST_IMAGE=mattermost-enterprise-edition ## Update the image tag if you want to upgrade your Mattermost version. You may also upgrade to the latest one. The example is based on the latest Mattermost ESR version. MATTERMOST_IMAGE_TAG=9.11.2 ## Make Mattermost container readonly. This interferes with the regeneration of root.html inside the container. Only use ## it if you know what you're doing. ## See https://github.com/mattermost/docker/issues/18 MATTERMOST_CONTAINER_READONLY=false ## The app port is only relevant for using Mattermost without the nginx container as reverse proxy. This is not meant ## to be used with the internal HTTP server exposed but rather in case one wants to host several services on one host ## or for using it behind another existing reverse proxy. APP_PORT=8065 ## Configuration settings for Mattermost. Documentation on the variables and the settings itself can be found at ## https://docs.mattermost.com/administration/config-settings.html ## Keep in mind that variables set here will take precedence over the same setting in config.json. This includes ## the system console as well and settings set with env variables will be greyed out. ## Below one can find necessary settings to spin up the Mattermost container MM_SQLSETTINGS_DRIVERNAME=postgres MM_SQLSETTINGS_DATASOURCE=postgres://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@postgres:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}?sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=10 ## Example settings (any additional setting added here also needs to be introduced in the docker-compose.yml) MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL=https://${DOMAIN}