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- name: Generate postgres-exporter metrics proxying configuration for matrix-nginx-proxy (matrix.DOMAIN/metrics/postgres-exporter)
matrix_prometheus_services_proxy_connect_postgres_exporter_nginx_metrics_configuration_block: |
location /metrics/postgres-exporter {
{% if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled | default(False) %}
{# Use the embedded DNS resolver in Docker containers to discover the service #}
resolver valid=5s;
set $backend "{{ prometheus_postgres_exporter_identifier }}:{{ prometheus_postgres_exporter_port }}";
proxy_pass http://$backend/metrics;
{% elif matrix_prometheus_services_proxy_connect_prometheus_postgres_exporter_matrix_nginx_proxy_not_enabled_proxy_pass_host != '' %}
proxy_pass http://{{ matrix_prometheus_services_proxy_connect_prometheus_postgres_exporter_matrix_nginx_proxy_not_enabled_proxy_pass_host }}/metrics;
{% else %}
return 404 "matrix-nginx-proxy is disabled and no host port was bound to the container, so metrics are unavailable";
{% endif %}
# Injection code was here