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- src: git+
version: v1.0.0-1
name: auxiliary
- src: git+
version: v1.2.6-1.8.2-0
- src: git+
version: v0.1.1-2
- src: git+
version: 129c8590e106b83e6f4c259649a613c6279e937a
- src: git+
version: c1f40e82b4d6b072b6f0e885239322bdaaaf554f
- src: git+
version: 9b4b088c62b528b73a9a7c93d3109b091dd42ec6
- src: git+
version: ff2fd42e1c1a9e28e3312bbd725395f9c2fc7f16
- src: git+
version: v16.0-5
- src: git+
version: a0cc7c1c696872ba8880d9c5e5a54098de825030
- src: git+
version: v1.0.0-0
- src: git+
version: v1.0.0-1
- src: git+
version: v1.0.0-0
- src: git+
version: v2.10.4-1
- src: git+
version: v2.8.1-0
- src: git+
version: v1.9.3-0
- src: git+
version: 7.0.1
name: geerlingguy.docker
- src: git+
version: v10.1.4-0
- src: git+
version: v8960-1
name: jitsi
- src: git+
version: v2.7.0-2
- src: git+
version: v2.47.0-0
name: prometheus
- src: git+
version: v1.6.1-0
- src: git+
version: v0.14.0-0
name: prometheus_postgres_exporter
- src: git+
version: v7.2.0-0