# Matrix (An open network for secure, decentralized communication) server setup using Ansible and Docker ## Purpose This Ansible playbook is meant to easily let you run your own [Matrix](http://matrix.org/) homeserver. That is, it lets you join the Matrix network with your own `@:` identifier, all hosted on your own server. Using this playbook, you can get the following services configured on your server: - a [Matrix Synapse](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse) homeserver - storing your data and managing your presence in the [Matrix](http://matrix.org/) network - a [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/) database for Matrix Synapse - providing better performance than the default [SQLite](https://sqlite.org/) database - a [STUN server](https://github.com/coturn/coturn) for WebRTC audio/video calls - a [Riot](https://riot.im/) web UI - free [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) SSL certificate, which secures the connection to the Synapse server and the Riot web UI Basically, this playbook aims to get you up-and-running with all the basic necessities around Matrix, without you having to do anything else. ## What's different about this Ansible playbook? This is similar to the [EMnify/matrix-synapse-auto-deploy](https://github.com/EMnify/matrix-synapse-auto-deploy) Ansile deployment, but: - this one is a complete Ansible playbook (instead of just a role), so it should be **easier to run** - especially for folks not familiar with Ansible - this one **can be re-ran many times** without causing trouble - this one **runs everything in Docker containers** (like [silviof/docker-matrix](https://hub.docker.com/r/silviof/docker-matrix/) and [silviof/matrix-riot-docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/silviof/matrix-riot-docker/)), so it's likely more predictable - this one retrieves and automatically renews free [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) **SSL certificates** for you Special thanks goes to: - [EMnify/matrix-synapse-auto-deploy](https://github.com/EMnify/matrix-synapse-auto-deploy) - for the inspiration - [silviof/docker-matrix](https://hub.docker.com/r/silviof/docker-matrix/) - for packaging Matrix Synapse as a Docker image - [silviof/matrix-riot-docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/silviof/matrix-riot-docker/) - for packaging Riot as a Docker image ## Prerequisites - **CentOS server** with no services running on port 80/443 (making this run on non-CentOS servers should be possible in the future) - the [Ansible](http://ansible.com/) program, which is used to run this playbook and configures everything for you - properly configured DNS SRV record for `` (details in [Configuring DNS](#Configuring-DNS) below) - `matrix.` domain name pointing to your new server - this is where the Matrix Synapse server will live (details in [Configuring DNS](#Configuring-DNS) below) - `riot.` domain name pointing to your new server - this is where the Riot web UI will live (details in [Configuring DNS](#Configuring-DNS) below) ## Configuring DNS In order to use an identifier like `@:`, you don't actually need to install anything on the actual `` server. All services created by this playbook are meant to be installed on their own server (such as `matrix.`). In order to do this, you must first instruct the Matrix network of this by setting up a DNS SRV record (think of it as a "redirect"). The SRV record should look like this: - Name: `_matrix._tcp` (use this text as-is) - Content: `10 0 8448 matrix.` (replace `` with your own) Once you've set up this DNS SRV record, you should create 2 other domain names (`matrix.` and `riot.`) and point both of them to your new server's IP address (DNS `A` record or `CNAME` is fine). This playbook can then install all the services on that new server and you'll be able to join the Matrix network as `@:`, even though everything is installed elsewhere (not on ``). ## Configuration Once you have your server and you have [configured your DNS records](#Configuring-DNS), you can proceed with configuring this playbook, so that it knows what to install and where. You can follow these steps: - create a directory to hold your configuration (`mkdir inventory/matrix.`) - copy the sample configuration file (`cp examples/host-vars.yml inventory/matrix./vars.yml`) - edit the configuration file (`inventory/matrix./vars.yml`) to your liking - copy the sample inventory hosts file (`cp examples/hosts inventory/hosts`) - edit the inventory hosts file (`inventory/hosts`) to your liking ## Installing Once you have your server and you have [configured your DNS records](#Configuring-DNS), you can proceed with installing. To make use of this playbook, you should invoke the `setup.yml` playbook multiple times, with different tags. ### Configuring a server Run this as-is to set up a server. This doesn't start any services just yet (another step does this later - below). Feel free to re-run this any time you think something is off with the server configuration. ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml --tags=setup-main ### Restoring an existing SQLite database (from another installation) Run this if you'd like to import your database from a previous default installation of Matrix Synapse. (don't forget to import your `media_store` files as well - see below). While this playbook always sets up PostgreSQL, by default, a Matrix Synapse installation would run using an SQLite database. If you have such a Matrix Synapse setup and wish to migrate it here (and over to PostgreSQL), this command is for you. Run this command (make sure to replace `` with a file path on your local machine): ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml --extra-vars='local_path_homeserver_db=' --tags=import-sqlite-db **Note**: `` must be a file path to a `homeserver.db` file on your local machine (not on the server!). This file is copied to the server and imported. ### Restoring `media_store` data files from an existing installation Run this if you'd like to import your `media_store` files from a previous installation of Matrix Synapse. Run this command (make sure to replace `` with a path on your local machine): ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml --extra-vars='local_path_media_store=' --tags=import-media-store **Note**: `` must be a file path to a `media_store` directory on your local machine (not on the server!). This directory's contents are then copied to the server. ### Starting the services Run this as-is to start all the services and to ensure they'll run on system startup later on. ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml --tags=start ### Registering a user Run this to create a new user account on your Matrix server. You can do it via this Ansible playbook (make sure to edit the `` and `` part below): ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml --extra-vars='username= password= admin=' --tags=register-user **or** using the command-line after **SSH**-ing to your server (requires that [all services have been started](#Starting-the-services)): matrix-synapse-register-user **Note**: `` is just a plain username (like `john`), not your full `@:` identifier. ## Deficiencies This Ansible playbook can be improved in the following ways: - setting up automatic backups to one or more storage providers - enabling TURN support for the Coturn server - see https://github.com/silvio/docker-matrix#coturn-server - [importing an old SQLite database](#Restoring-an-existing-SQLite=database-from-another-installation) likely works because of a patch, but may be fragile until [this](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/2287) is fixed