# TURN server The playbook installs a [Coturn](https://github.com/coturn/coturn) TURN server by default, so that clients can make audio/video calls even from [NAT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_address_translation)-ed networks. By default, the Synapse chat server is configured, so that it points to the Coturn TURN server installed by the playbook. ## Disabling Coturn If, for some reason, you'd like to prevent the playbook from installing Coturn, you can use the following configuration: ```yaml matrix_coturn_enabled: false ``` In that case, Synapse would not point to any Coturn servers and audio/video call functionality may fail. ## Using your own external Coturn server If you'd like to use another TURN server (be it Coturn or some other one), you can configure the playbook like this: ```yaml # Disable integrated Coturn server matrix_coturn_enabled: false # Point Synapse to your other Coturn server matrix_synapse_turn_uris: - turns:HOSTNAME_OR_IP?transport=udp - turns:HOSTNAME_OR_IP?transport=tcp - turn:HOSTNAME_OR_IP?transport=udp - turn:HOSTNAME_OR_IP?transport=tcp ```