diff --git a/roles/custom/matrix-synapse/tasks/synapse/workers/setup_install.yml b/roles/custom/matrix-synapse/tasks/synapse/workers/setup_install.yml index 0f2105edd..d6c50397e 100644 --- a/roles/custom/matrix-synapse/tasks/synapse/workers/setup_install.yml +++ b/roles/custom/matrix-synapse/tasks/synapse/workers/setup_install.yml @@ -7,12 +7,16 @@ use_regex: true register: matrix_synapse_workers_current_config_files +- set_fact: + matrix_synapse_enabled_worker_names: "{{ matrix_synapse_workers_enabled_list | map(attribute='name') }}" + # This also deletes some things which we need. They will be recreated below. -- name: Ensure previous worker configs are cleaned +- name: Ensure unnecessary worker configs are cleaned ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ item.path }}" state: absent with_items: "{{ matrix_synapse_workers_current_config_files.files }}" + when: "not ansible_check_mode and (item.path | basename | replace ('worker.', '') | replace('.yaml', '')) not in matrix_synapse_enabled_worker_names" - name: Determine current worker systemd services ansible.builtin.find: @@ -27,13 +31,14 @@ state: stopped enabled: false with_items: "{{ matrix_synapse_workers_current_systemd_services.files }}" - when: "not ansible_check_mode and item.path | basename not in devture_systemd_service_manager_services_list | map(attribute='name')" + when: "not ansible_check_mode and (item.path | basename | replace('.service', '')) not in matrix_synapse_enabled_worker_names" - name: Ensure unnecessary worker systemd services are cleaned ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ item.path }}" state: absent with_items: "{{ matrix_synapse_workers_current_systemd_services.files }}" + when: "not ansible_check_mode and (item.path | basename | replace('.service', '')) not in matrix_synapse_enabled_worker_names" - name: Ensure creation of worker systemd service files and configuration files ansible.builtin.include_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/synapse/workers/util/setup_files_for_worker.yml"