Micah R Ledbetter 8a999fdd58 Reliably start WinRM, support Win10x86, fix other
Big features:

- Reliably start WinRM now!!
- Support Windows 10 x86!

Smaller features

- Improve README
- Don't power off the (virtual) monitor to save power
- Add Invoke-ScriptblockAndCatch and use it in postinstall scripts

Fixes and reorgs:

- Move all the packer stuff inside the packer/ directory
- Break out possibly-nonfunctional slipstream stuff to its own module
- Clean up broken bits in buildlab
- Clean up vestigial bits in wintriallab-postinstall
- Fix lots of broken pieces after encountering them one by one
- Fix RestartAction stuff in autounattend-postinstall
2015-11-02 17:27:46 -06:00

537 lines
24 KiB

[String] $ScriptProductName = "PostInstall-Marionettist",
[String] $ScriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path,
[String] $ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
### Global Constants that I use elsewhere
$ArchitectureId = @{
amd64 = "amd64"
i386 = "i386"
$WindowsVersionId = @{
w81 = "w81"
w10 = "w10"
w10ltsb = "w10ltsb"
server2012r2 = "server2012r2"
$OfficeVersionId = @{
o2013 = "o2013"
$IsoUrls = @{
$WindowsVersionId.w81 = @{
$ArchitectureId.i386 = ""
$ArchitectureId.amd64 = ""
$WindowsVersionId.w10 = @{
$ArchitectureId.i386 = ""
$ArchitectureId.amd64 = ""
$WindowsVersionId.w10ltsb = @{
$ArchitectureId.i386 = ""
$ArchitectureId.amd64 = ""
$WindowsVersionId.server2012r2 = @{
$ArchitectureId.amd64 = ""
$OfficeVersionId.o2013 = @{
$ArchitectureId.i386 = ""
$ArchitectureId.amd64 = ""
$WSUSCatalogUrl = ""
$WSUSOfflineRepoBaseUrl = ""
$szUrl = "$szFilename"
$URLs = @{
ISOs = @{
$WindowsVersionId.w81 = @{
$ArchitectureId.i386 = ""
WindowsUpdateCatalog = ""
WSUSOfflineRepoBase = ""
SevenZipDownload = @{
$ArchitectureId.i386 = ""
$ArchitectureId.amd64 = ""
UltraDefragDownload = @{
$ArchitectureId.i386 = ""
$ArchitectureId.amd64 = ""
SdeleteDownload = ""
$script:ScriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$script:RestartRegistryKeys = @{
RunBeforeLogon = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce"
RunAtLogon = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce"
$script:RestartRegistryProperty = "$ScriptProductName"
### Private support functions I use behind the scenes
function Get-WebUrl {
[cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName="outDir")] param(
[parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $url,
[parameter(mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="outDir")] [string] $outDir,
[parameter(mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="outFile")] [string] $outFile
if ($PScmdlet.ParameterSetName -match "outDir") {
$filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($url)
$outFile = "$outDir\$filename"
$outFile = [IO.Path]::GetFullPath($outFile)
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $outFile)
return (get-item $outFile)
Invoke an expression; log the expression, any output, and the last exit code
function Invoke-ExpressionAndLog {
[cmdletbinding()] param(
[parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $command,
[switch] $invokeWithCmdExe,
[switch] $checkExitCode,
[int] $sleepSeconds
$global:LASTEXITCODE = 0
if ($invokeWithCmdExe) {
Write-EventLogWrapper "Invoking CMD: '$command'"
$output = cmd /c "$command"
else {
Write-EventLogWrapper "Invoking Powershell expression: '$command'"
$output = invoke-expression -command $command
Write-EventLogWrapper "Expression '$command' had a last exit code of '$LastExitCode' and output the following to the console:`r`n`r`n$output"
if (if ($checkExitCode -and $global:LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw "LASTEXITCODE: ${global:LASTEXITCODE} for command: '${command}'"
if ($sleepSeconds) { start-sleep $sleepSeconds }
### Publicly exported functions called directly from slipstreaming scripts
Wrapper that writes to the event log but also to the screen
function Write-EventLogWrapper {
[cmdletbinding()] param(
[parameter(mandatory=$true)] [String] $message,
[int] $eventId = 0,
[ValidateSet("Error",'Warning','Information','SuccessAudit','FailureAudit')] $entryType = "Information",
[String] $EventLogName = $ScriptProductName,
[String] $EventLogSource = $ScriptName
if (-not (get-eventlog -logname * |? { $_.Log -eq $eventLogName })) {
New-EventLog -Source $EventLogSource -LogName $eventLogName
$messagePlus = "$message`r`n`r`nScript: $($script:ScriptPath)`r`nUser: ${env:USERDOMAIN}\${env:USERNAME}"
Write-Host -foreground magenta "====Writing to $EvengLogName event log===="
write-host -foreground darkgray "$messagePlus`r`n"
Write-EventLog -LogName $eventLogName -Source $EventLogSource -EventID $eventId -EntryType $entryType -Message $MessagePlus
Invoke a scriptblock. If it throws, write the errors out to the event log and exist with an error code
This is intended to be a handy wrapper for calling functions in this module that takes care of logging an exception for you.
See the autounattend-postinstall.ps1 and provisioner-postinstall.ps1 scripts for examples.
function Invoke-ScriptblockAndCatch {
[cmdletbinding()] param(
[parameter(mandatory=$true)] [ScriptBlock] $scriptBlock,
[int] $failureExitCode = 666
try {
catch {
$message = "======== CAUGHT EXCEPTION ========`r`n$_`r`n"
$message += "======== ERROR STACK ========`r`n"
$_ |% { $message += "$_`r`n----`r`n" }
$message += "======== ========"
Write-EventLogWrapper $message
exit 666
Create and set the registry property which will run this script on reboot
function Set-RestartRegistryEntry {
[parameter(mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('RunBeforeLogon','RunAtLogon','NoRestart')] [string] $RestartAction,
[string] $restartCommand
if ($RestartAction -match "NoRestart") {
Write-EventLogWrapper "Called Set-RestartRegistryEntry with -RestartAction NoRestart, will not write registry key"
$message = "Setting the Restart Registry Key at: {0}\{1}`r`n{2}" -f $script:RestartRegistryKeys.$RestartAction, $script:RestartRegistryProperty, $restartCommand
Write-EventLogWrapper -message $message
New-Item $script:RestartRegistryKeys.$RestartAction -force | out-null
Set-ItemProperty -Path $script:RestartRegistryKeys.$RestartAction -Name $script:RestartRegistryProperty -Value $restartCommand
function Get-RestartRegistryEntries {
[cmdletbinding()] param()
foreach ($key in $script:RestartRegistryKeys.Keys) {
try { Get-ItemProperty -Path $script:RestartRegistryKeys[$key] -name $script:RestartRegistryProperty} catch {}
function Remove-RestartRegistryEntries {
[cmdletbinding()] param()
foreach ($key in $script:RestartRegistryKeys.Keys) {
try { Remove-ItemProperty -Path $script:RestartRegistryKeys[$key] -name $script:RestartRegistryProperty} catch {}
Return the OS Architecture of the current system, as determined by WMI
Will return either "i386" or "amd64"
TODO: this isn't a great method but I'm tired of trying to find the totally correct one. This one isn't ideal because OSArchitecture can be localized.
I've seen some advice that you should call into the registry
- reg Query "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0" | find /i "x86" > NUL && set OSARCHITECTURE=32BIT || set OSARCHITECTURE=64BIT
... however, this lets you know about the HARDWARE, not the OPERATING SYSTEM - we care about the latter
function Get-OSArchitecture {
$OSArch = Get-WmiObject -class win32_operatingsystem -property osarchitecture | select -expand OSArchitecture
if ($OSArch -match "64") { return $ArchitectureId.amd64 }
elseif ($OSArch -match "32") { return $ArchitectureId.i386 }
else { throw "Could not determine OS Architecture from string '$OSArch'" }
function Test-AdminPrivileges {
[cmdletbinding()] param(
[switch] $ThrowIfNotElevated
$me = [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$elevated = $me.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")
if ($ThrowIfNotElevated -and (! $elevated)) { throw "Administrative privileges are required" }
return $elevated
function Install-SevenZip {
$OSArch = Get-OSArchitecture
$szDlPath = Get-WebUrl -url $URLs.SevenZipDownload.$OSArch -outDir $env:temp
try {
Write-EventLogWrapper "Downloaded '$szUrl' to '$szDlPath', now running msiexec..."
$msiCall = '& msiexec /qn /i "{0}"' -f $szDlPath
# Windows suxxx so msiexec sometimes returns right away? or something idk. fuck
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -checkExitCode -command $msiCall -sleepSeconds 30
finally {
rm -force $szDlPath
set-alias sevenzip "${env:ProgramFiles}\7-Zip\7z.exe"
function Install-VBoxAdditions {
[cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName="InstallFromDisc")] param(
[parameter(ParameterSetName="InstallFromIsoPath",mandatory=$true)] [string] $isoPath,
[parameter(ParameterSetName="InstallFromDisc",mandatory=$true)] [switch] $fromDisc
function InstallVBoxAdditionsFromDir {
$baseDir = resolve-path $baseDir | select -expand Path
Write-EventLogWrapper "Installing VBox Additions from '$baseDir'"
Write-EventLogWrapper "Installing the Oracle certificate..."
$oracleCert = resolve-path "$baseDir\cert\oracle-vbox.cer" | select -expand path
# NOTE: Checking for exit code, but this command will fail with an error if the cert is already installed
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -checkExitCode -command ('& "{0}" add-trusted-publisher "{1}" --root "{1}"' -f "$baseDir\cert\VBoxCertUtil.exe",$oracleCert)
Write-EventLogWrapper "Installing the virtualbox additions"
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -checkExitCode -command ('& "{0}" /with_wddm /S' -f "$baseDir\VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe") # returns IMMEDIATELY, goddamn fuckers
while (get-process -Name VBoxWindowsAdditions*) { write-host 'Waiting for VBox install to finish...'; sleep 1; }
Write-EventLogWrapper "virtualbox additions have now been installed"
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
"InstallFromIsoPath" {
$isoPath = resolve-path $isoPath | select -expand Path
$vbgaPath = mkdir -force "${env:Temp}\InstallVbox" | select -expand fullname
try {
Write-EventLogWrapper "Extracting iso at '$isoPath' to directory at '$vbgaPath'..."
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -checkExitCode -command ('sevenzip x "{0}" -o"{1}"' -f $isoPath, $vbgaPath)
InstallVBoxAdditionsFromDir $vbgaPath
finally {
rm -recurse -force $vbgaPath
"InstallFromDisc" {
$vboxDiskDrive = get-psdrive -PSProvider Filesystem |? { test-path "$($_.Root)\VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe" }
if ($vboxDiskDrive) {
Write-EventLogWrapper "Found VBox Windows Additions disc at $vboxDiskDrive"
InstallVBoxAdditionsFromDir $vboxDiskDrive.Root
else {
$message = "Could not find VBox Windows Additions disc"
Write-EventLogWrapper $message
throw $message
function Disable-AutoAdminLogon {
Write-EventLogWrapper "Disabling auto admin logon"
set-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name AutoAdminLogon -Value 0
function Enable-RDP {
Write-EventLogWrapper "Enabling RDP"
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open Port 3389" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=3389
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
function Install-CompiledDotNetAssemblies {
# Don't check the return value - sometimes it fails and that's fine
set-alias ngen32 "${env:WinDir}\\framework\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe"
ngen32 update /force /queue
ngen32 executequeueditems
if ((Get-OSArchitecture) -match $ArchitectureId.amd64) {
set-alias ngen64 "${env:WinDir}\\framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe"
ngen64 update /force /queue
ngen64 executequeueditems
function Compress-WindowsInstall {
$OSArch = Get-OSArchitecture
try {
$udfZipPath = Get-WebUrl -url $URLs.UltraDefragDownload.$OSArch -outDir $env:temp
$udfExPath = "${env:temp}\ultradefrag-portable-6.1.0.$OSArch"
# This archive contains a folder - extract it directly to the temp dir
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -checkExitCode -command ('sevenzip x "{0}" "-o{1}"' -f $udfZipPath,$env:temp)
$sdZipPath = Get-WebUrl -url $URLs.SdeleteDownload -outDir $env:temp
$sdExPath = "${env:temp}\SDelete"
# This archive does NOT contain a folder - extract it to a subfolder (will create if necessary)
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -checkExitCode -command ('sevenzip x "{0}" "-o{1}"' -f $sdZipPath,$sdExPath)
stop-service wuauserv
rm -recurse -force ${env:WinDir}\SoftwareDistribution\Download
start-service wuauserv
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -checkExitCode -command ('& {0} --optimize --repeat "{1}"' -f "$udfExPath\udefrag.exe","$env:SystemDrive")
$sdKey = "HKCU:\Software\Sysinternals\SDelete"
if (-not (test-path $sdKey)) { New-Item $sdKey -Force }
Set-ItemProperty -path $sdKey -name EulaAccepted -value 1
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -checkExitCode -command ('& {0} -q -z "{1}"' -f "$sdExPath\SDelete.exe",$env:SystemDrive)
finally {
rm -recurse -force $udfZipPath,$udfExPath,$sdZipPath,$sdExPath -ErrorAction Continue
function Disable-WindowsUpdates {
Test-AdminPrivileges -ThrowIfNotElevated
$Updates = (New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate").Settings
if ($Updates.ReadOnly) {
throw "Cannot update Windows Update settings due to GPO restrictions."
$Updates.NotificationLevel = 1 # 1 = Disabled lol
function Enable-MicrosoftUpdate {
[cmdletbinding()] param()
Write-EventLogWrapper "Enabling Microsoft Update..."
stop-service wuauserv
$auKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update"
Set-ItemProperty -path $auKey -name EnableFeaturedSoftware -value 1
Set-ItemProperty -path $auKey -name IncludeRecommendedUpdates -value 1
$ServiceManager = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager"
$ServiceManager.AddService2("7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d",7,"") | out-null
start-service wuauserv
function Install-Chocolatey {
[cmdletbinding()] param()
$chocoExePath = "${env:ProgramData}\Chocolatey\bin"
if ($($env:Path).ToLower().Contains($($chocoExePath).ToLower())) {
Write-EventLogWrapper "Attempting to install Chocolatey but it's already in path, exiting..."
$systemPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
$systemPath += ";$chocoExePath"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $systemPath, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
$env:Path = $systemPath
$userPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
if ($userPath) { $env:Path += ";$userPath" }
# TODO: capture and log output
$chocoOutput = iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
Write-EventLogWrapper "Chocolatey install process completed:`r`n`r`n$chocoOutput"
function Set-UserOptions {
[cmdletbinding()] param(
[switch] $ShowHiddenFiles,
[switch] $ShowSystemFiles,
[switch] $ShowFileExtensions,
[switch] $ShowStatusBar,
[switch] $DisableSharingWizard,
[switch] $EnablePSOnWinX,
[switch] $EnableQuickEdit
$explorerAdvancedKey = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced'
if ($ShowHiddenFiles) { Set-ItemProperty -path $explorerAdvancedKey -name Hidden -value 1 }
if ($ShowSystemFiles) { Set-ItemProperty -path $explorerAdvancedKey -name ShowSuperHidden -value 1 }
if ($ShowFileExtensions) { Set-ItemProperty -path $explorerAdvancedKey -name HideFileExt -value 0 }
if ($ShowStatusBar) { Set-ItemProperty -path $explorerAdvancedKey -name ShowStatusBar -value 1 }
if ($DisableSharingWizard) { Set-ItemProperty -path $explorerAdvancedKey -name SharingWizardOn -value 0 }
if ($EnablePSOnWinX) { Set-ItemProperty -path $explorerAdvancedKey -name DontUsePowerShellOnWinX -value 0 }
$consoleKey = "HKCU:\Console"
if ($EnableQuickEdit) { Set-ItemProperty -path $consoleKey -name QuickEdit -value 1 }
function Disable-HibernationFile {
[cmdletbinding()] param()
Write-EventLogWrapper "Removing Hibernation file..."
$powerKey = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power'
Set-ItemProperty -path $powerKey -name HibernateFileSizePercent -value 0 # hiberfil is zero bytes
Set-ItemProperty -path $powerKey -name HibernateEnabled -value 0 # disable hibernation altogether
Forcibly enable WinRM
TODO: Rewrite in pure Powershell
function Enable-WinRM {
[cmdletbinding()] param()
Write-EventLogWrapper "Enabling WinRM..."
# I've had the best luck doing it this way - NOT doing it in a single batch script
# Sometimes one of these commands will stop further execution in a batch script, but when I
# call cmd.exe over and over like this, that problem goes away.
# Note: order is important. This order makes sure that any time packer can successfully
# connect to WinRm, it won't later turn winrm back off or make it unavailable.
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'net stop winrm'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'sc.exe config winrm start= auto'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'winrm quickconfig -q'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'winrm quickconfig -transport:http'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'winrm set winrm/config @{MaxTimeoutms="1800000"}'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'winrm set winrm/config/winrs @{MaxMemoryPerShellMB="2048"}'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'winrm set winrm/config/service @{AllowUnencrypted="true"}'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'winrm set winrm/config/client @{AllowUnencrypted="true"}'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic="true"}'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'winrm set winrm/config/client/auth @{Basic="true"}'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{CredSSP="true"}'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'winrm set winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTP @{Port="5985"}'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote administration" new enable=yes'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'netsh firewall add portopening TCP 5985 "Port 5985"'
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command 'net start winrm'
function Set-PasswordExpiry { # TODO fixme use pure Powershell
[cmdletbinding()] param(
[parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $accountName,
[parameter(mandatory=$true)] [bool] $expirePassword
$passwordExpires = if ($expirePassword) {"TRUE"} else {"FALSE"}
$command = @"
wmic useraccount where "name='{0}'" set "PasswordExpires={1}"
$command = $command -f $accountName, $passwordExpiress
Invoke-ExpressionAndLog -invokeWithCmdExe -command $command
Set all attached networks to Private
(On some OSes) you cannot enable Windows PowerShell Remoting on network connections that are set to Public
Spin through all the network locations and if they are set to Public, set them to Private
using the INetwork interface:
For more info, see:
function Set-AllNetworksToPrivate {
[cmdletbinding()] param()
# Network location feature was only introduced in Windows Vista - no need to bother with this
# if the operating system is older than Vista
if([environment]::OSVersion.version.Major -lt 6) { return }
if(1,3,4,5 -contains (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DomainRole) { throw "Cannot change network location on a domain-joined computer" }
# Disable the GUI which will modally pop up (at least on Win10) lol
New-Item "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\NewNetworkWindowOff" -force | out-null
# Get network connections
$networkListManager = [Activator]::CreateInstance([Type]::GetTypeFromCLSID([Guid]"{DCB00C01-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B}"))
foreach ($connection in $networkListManager.GetNetworkConnections()) {
$connName = $connection.GetNetwork().GetName()
$oldCategory = $connection.GetNetwork().GetCategory()
$newCategory = $connection.GetNetwork().GetCategory()
Write-EventLogWrapper "Changed connection category for '$connName' from '$oldCategory' to '$newCategory'"
Set the idle time that must elapse before Windows will power off a display
.parameter seconds
The number of seconds before poweroff. A value of 0 means never power off.
AFAIK, this cannot be done without shelling out to powercfg
function Set-IdleDisplayPoweroffTime {
[cmdletbinding()] param(
[parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int] $seconds
$currentScheme = (powercfg /getactivescheme).split()[3]
$DisplaySubgroupGUID = "7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99"
$TurnOffAfterGUID = "3c0bc021-c8a8-4e07-a973-6b14cbcb2b7e"
set-alias powercfg "${env:SystemRoot}\System32\powercfg.exe"
powercfg /setacvalueindex $currentScheme $DisplaySubgroupGUID $TurnOffAfterGUID 0
# Exports: #TODO
$emmParams = @{
Alias = @("sevenzip")
Variable = @("ArchitectureId")
Function = "*"
# Function = @(
# "Get-OSArchitecture"
# "Get-LabTempDir"
# "Install-SevenZip"
# "Install-VBoxAdditions"
# )
export-modulemember @emmParams