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48 lines
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[parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $packerFile,
[string] $tag = "", # tag for the tmp dir, so you can keep track of what you were working on
[switch] $whatIf
$errorActionPreference = "Stop"
#$baseTempDir = $env:Temp
$baseOutDir = "D:\iso\vagrants"
$env_packer_cache_dir_backup = $env:PACKER_CACHE_DIR
$env:PACKER_CACHE_DIR = "D:\iso\packer_cache"
set-alias packer (gcm packer | select -expand path)
set-alias vagrant (gcm vagrant | select -expand path)
$startDate = get-date
$packerFilePath = get-item $packerFile | select -expand fullname
$packerFileBaseName = get-item $packerFile | select -expand basename
$date = get-date -date $startDate -UFormat "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"
$vagrantBoxName = "wintriallab-${packerFileBaseName}-${date}"
$outDir = "${baseOutDir}\${vagrantBoxName}"
if ($tag) { $outDir += "-${tag}"}
if (test-path $outDir) { throw "Your `$outDir that already exists at '$outDir'"}
pushd $PSScriptRoot
try {
write-host "Building packer file '$packerFilePath' to directory '$outDir'..."
if (-not $whatif) {
packer build -var "output_directory=$outDir" "$packerFilePath"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw "Packer appears to have failed :("
finally {
$env:PACKER_CACHE_DIR = $env_packer_cache_dir_backup
$packedBoxPath = get-item $outDir\*.box | select -first 1 -expand fullname
write-host "Packed .box file: '$packedBoxPath'"
if ($vagrantAdd) {
if (-not $whatIf) {
vagrant box add --name $vagrantBoxName $packedBoxPath