import-module dism -verbose:$false $OfficeVersionId = @{ o2013 = "o2013" } $IsoUrls = @{ $WindowsVersionId.w81 = @{ $ArchitectureId.i386 = "" $ArchitectureId.amd64 = "" } $WindowsVersionId.w10 = @{ $ArchitectureId.i386 = "" $ArchitectureId.amd64 = "" } $WindowsVersionId.w10ltsb = @{ $ArchitectureId.i386 = "" $ArchitectureId.amd64 = "" } $WindowsVersionId.server2012r2 = @{ $ArchitectureId.amd64 = "" } $OfficeVersionId.o2013 = @{ $ArchitectureId.i386 = "" $ArchitectureId.amd64 = "" } } # TODO: Copy-ItemAndExclude # function Copy-ItemAndExclude { # [cmdletbinding()] param( # [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $path, # [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $destination, # [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string[]] $exclude, # [switch] $force # ) # $path = resolve-path $path | select -expand path # $sourceItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse -Exclude $exclude # Write-EventLogWrapper "Found $($sourceItems.count) items to copy from '$path'" # #$sourceItems | copy-item -force:$force -destination {Join-Path $destination $_.FullName.Substring($path.length)} # $sourceItems | copy-item -force:$force -destination { # if ($_.GetType() -eq [System.IO.FileInfo]) { # Join-Path $destination $_.FullName.Substring($path.length) # } # else { # Join-Path $destination $_.Parent.FullName.Substring($path.length) # } # } # } <# .description Get the path of the Windows ADK or AIK or whatever the fuck they're calling it from a format string - {0} is always the WAIK directory - e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\" - e.g. "X:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.0" - {1} is always the host architecture (x86 or amd64) - i THINK this is right, but I don't understand WHY. why do you need an amd64 version of oscdimg.exe? - however, there are arm executables lying around, and i definitely can't execute those. wtf? So we expect a string like "{0}\bin\{1}\wsutil.exe" #> function Get-AdkPath { [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $pathFormatString ) $adkPath = "" $possibleAdkPaths = @("${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Windows Kits\8.1","${env:ProgramFiles}\Windows Kits\8.1") $possibleAdkPaths |% { if (test-path $_) { $adkPath = $_ } } if (-not $adkPath) { throw "Could not find the Windows Automated Installation Kit" } Write-EventLogWrapper "Found the WAIK at '$adkPath'" $arch = Get-OSArchitecture switch ($arch) { $ArchitectureId.i386 { $formatted = $pathFormatString -f $adkPath,$waikArch if (test-path $formatted) { return $formatted } } $ArchitectureId.amd64 { foreach ($waikArch in @("amd64","x64")) { $formatted = $pathFormatString -f $adkPath,$waikArch if (test-path $formatted) { return $formatted } } } default { throw "Could not determine architecture of '$arch'" } } throw "Could not resolve format string '$pathFormatString' to an existing path" } function New-WindowsInstallMedia { # TODO fixme not sure I wanna handle temp dirs this way?? [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $sourceIsoPath, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $installMediaTemp, # WILL BE DELETED [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $installWimPath, # your new install.wim file [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $outputIsoPath ) $oscdImgPath = Get-AdkPath "{0}\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\{1}\Oscdimg\oscdimg.exe" $installWimPath = resolve-path $installWimPath | select -expand path $installMediaTemp = mkdir -force $installMediaTemp | select -expand fullname $outputIsoParentPath = split-path $outputIsoPath -parent $outputIsoFilename = split-path $outputIsoPath -leaf $outputIsoParentPath = mkdir -force $outputIsoParentPath | select -expand fullname if (test-path $installMediaTemp) { rm -recurse -force $installMediaTemp } mkdir -force $installMediaTemp | out-null $diskVol = get-diskimage -imagepath $sourceIsoPath | get-volume if (-not $diskVol) { mount-diskimage -imagepath $sourceIsoPath $diskVol = get-diskimage -imagepath $sourceIsoPath | get-volume } $driveLetter = $diskVol | select -expand DriveLetter $existingInstallMediaDir = "${driveLetter}:" # TODO: the first copy here copies the original install.wim, and the second copies the new one over it # this is really fucking dumb right? but then, THIS is way fucking dumber: # # PS none of those solutions are generic enough to get included so fuck it copy-item -recurse -path "$existingInstallMediaDir\*" -destination "$installMediaTemp" -verbose:$verbose remove-item -force -path "$installMediaTemp\sources\install.wim" copy-item -path $installWimPath -destination "$installMediaTemp\sources\install.wim" -force -verbose:$verbose $etfsBoot = resolve-path "$existingInstallMediaDir\boot\" | select -expand Path $oscdimgCall = '& "{0}" -m -n -b"{1}" "{2}" "{3}"' -f @($oscdImgPath, $etfsBoot, $installMediaTemp, $outputIsoPath) Write-EventLogWrapper "Calling OSCDIMG: '$oscdimgCall" Invoke-ExpressionAndCheck $oscdimgCall -verbose:$verbose dismount-diskimage -imagepath $sourceIsoPath } <# .notes The install.wim file doesn't (ever? sometimes?) denote architecture in its image names, but boot.wim (always? usually?) does #> function Get-BootWimArchitecture { [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] $wimFile ) $bootWimInfo = Get-WindowsImage -imagePath $wimFile -verbose:$verbose $arch = $null if (-not $bootWimInfo) { throw "Got no information for wimfile at '$wimFile'"} elseif ($bootWimInfo[0].ImageName -match "x86") { $arch = $ArchitectureId.i386 } elseif ($bootWimInfo[0].ImageName -match "x64") { $arch = $ArchitectureId.amd64 } else { throw "Could not determine architecture for '$wimFile'"} write-verbose "Found an architecture of '$arch' for '$wimFile'" return $arch } function Apply-WindowsUpdatesToIso { [cmdletbinding()] param ( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $inputIso, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $outputIso, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $wsusOfflineDir, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $wimMountDir ) $myWimMounts = @() mount-diskimage -imagepath $inputIso $mountedDrive = get-diskimage -imagepath $inputIso | get-volume | select -expand DriveLetter $installWim = "$labTempDir\install.wim" if (-not (test-path $installWim)) { cp "${mountedDrive}:\Sources\install.wim" $labTempDir -verbose:$verbose } else { write-verbose "Using EXISTING install.wim at '$installWim'" } Set-ItemProperty -path $installWim -name IsReadOnly -value $false -force $arch = Get-BootWimArchitecture -wimFile "${mountedDrive}:\sources\boot.wim" -verbose:$verbose dismount-diskimage -imagepath $inputIso $wimInfo = Get-WindowsImage -imagePath $installWim $shortCode = Get-WOShortCode -OSName $wimInfo[0].ImageName -OSArchitecture $arch #$updatePath = resolve-path "${wsusOfflineDir}\client\$shortCode\glb" | select -expand Path $updatePath = "D:\iso\wintriallab\temp-slipstream\WSUSCache\w63-i386-glb" foreach ($wimInfo in (Get-WindowsImage -imagePath $installWim)) { $wimMountSubdir = mkdir "${wimMountDir}\$($wimInfo.ImageIndex)" -force | select -expand fullname Mount-WindowsImage -imagePath $installWim -index $wimInfo.ImageIndex -path $wimMountSubdir write-verbose "Applying '$((ls $updatePath).count)' updates to '$wimInfo'''" try { Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath $updatePath -path $wimMountSubdir } catch { write-verbose "Caught error(s) when installing packages:`n`n$_`n" } Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $wimMountSubdir -Save } New-WindowsInstallMedia -sourceIsoPath $inputIso -installMediaTemp $installMediaTemp -installWimPath $installWim -outputIsoPath $outputIso }