<# Fucking Packer is giving me problems with its shell, windows-shell, and powershell provisioners, so fuck it Don't require parameters - it won't run with parameters during post install. This is just for clarity & ease of debugging #> [cmdletbinding()] param( $packerBuildName = ${env:PACKER_BUILD_NAME}, $packerBuilderType = ${env:PACKER_BUILDER_TYPE}, $tempDir # calculated later on if this is empty ) $errorActionPreference = "stop" write-verbose "PostInstall for packer build '$packerBuildName' of type '$packerBuilderType'" if ($packerBuilderType -notmatch "virtualbox") { $warning = "@@@WARNING@@@ I have no way to install tools for your selected Packer build type of '$packerBuilderType'" write-host -foreground red -object $warning } $LASTEXITCODE = 0 # just in case import-module $PSScriptRoot\wintriallab-postinstall.psm1 try { Install-SevenZip #Install-VBoxAdditions -isoPath "C:\Users\vagrant\VBoxGuestAdditions.iso" Install-VBoxAdditions -fromDisc Disable-AutoAdminLogon Enable-RDP Install-Chocolatey $suoParams = @{ ShowHiddenFiles = $true ShowSystemFiles = $true ShowFileExtensions = $true ShowStatusBar = $true DisableSharingWizard = $true EnablePSOnWinX = $true EnableQuickEdit = $true } Set-UserOptions @suoParams Install-CompiledDotNetAssemblies # Takes about 15 minutes for me Compress-WindowsInstall # Takes maybe another 15 minutes } catch { write-host "======== CAUGHT EXCEPTION ========" write-host "$_" write-host "======== CALL STACK ========" Get-PSCallStack | format-list write-host "======== ERROR STACK ========" for ($i=0; $i<$error.count; $i+=1) { write-host "`$error[$i]" write-host $error[$i] } write-host "======== ========" exit 666 }