Add wintriallab func for enabling untrusted outbound winrm connections

Micah R Ledbetter 8 years ago
parent f58930e9f0
commit ead64b024b

@ -1130,6 +1130,18 @@ function Set-IdleDisplayPoweroffTime {
powercfg /setacvalueindex $currentScheme $DisplaySubgroupGUID $TurnOffAfterGUID 0
Allow connecting to HTTPS WinRM servers (used with, for example, Enter-PSSession) without checking the certificate. This is not recommended, but can be useful for non-domain-joined VMs that will connect to a remote network over a VPN. (Note that not checking the RDP certificate is no improvement over not checking the WinRM certificate.)
Enable-UntrustedOutboundWinRmConnections {
[CmdletBinding()] Param()
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\Auth\CredSSP $True
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\CredSSP $True
set-item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts *
Restart-Service WinRm
# Exports: #TODO
$emmParams = @{
Alias = @("sevenzip")
