Minor improvements I probably shouldn't spent time making

This commit is contained in:
Micah R Ledbetter 2015-10-27 16:20:36 -05:00
parent 27af82c265
commit 64a5a02d8c

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ param(
[int] $MaxCycles = 5,
[string] $ScriptProductName = "MarionettistWindowsUpdate",
[string] $PostUpdateExpression,
[switch] $NoRestart,
[switch] $RunFromRegistry
[string] [ValidateSet('RunBeforeLogon','RunAtLogon','NoRestart')] $RestartAction = "NoRestart",
[switch] $CalledFromRegistry
<# Notes on the code:
@ -34,7 +34,12 @@ $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Set-StrictMode -version 2.0
# I need to get the path to this script from inside functions, which mess with the $MyInvocation variable
$script:ScriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$script:ScriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$script:RestartRegistryKeys = @{
RunBeforeLogon = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce"
RunAtLogon = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce"
$script:RestartRegistryProperty = "$ScriptProductName"
@ -64,22 +69,53 @@ Create and set the registry property which will run this script on reboot
function Set-RestartRegistryEntry {
[parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int] $CyclesRemaining,
[parameter(mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('RunBeforeLogon','RunAtLogon','NoRestart')] [string] $RestartAction,
[string] $scriptPath = $script:ScriptPath
$RestartRegistryKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce"
$RestartRegistryProperty = "$ScriptProductName"
$psCall = @(
if ($RestartAction -match "NoRestart") {
Write-WinUpEventLog "Called Set-RestartRegistryEntry with -RestartAction NoRestart, will not write registry key"
$psCallComponents = @(
('-File "{0}"' -f $scriptPath)
"-MaxCycles $CyclesRemaining"
"-ScriptProductName $ScriptProductName"
"-RestartAction ${script:RestartAction}"
('-PostUpdateExpression "{0}"' -f "$PostUpdateExpression")
$message = "Setting the Restart Registry Key at: {0}\{1}`r`n{2}" -f $script:RestartRegistryKey, $script:RestartRegistryProperty, ($psCall -join " ")
$psCall = $psCallComponents -join " "
$message = "Setting the Restart Registry Key at: {0}\{1}`r`n{2}" -f $script:RestartRegistryKeys.$RestartAction, $script:RestartRegistryProperty, $psCall
Write-WinUpEventLog -message $message
New-Item $script:RestartRegistryKey -force | out-null
Set-ItemProperty -Path $script:RestartRegistryKey -Name $script:RestartRegistryProperty -Value ($psCall -join " ")
New-Item $script:RestartRegistryKeys.$RestartAction -force | out-null
Set-ItemProperty -Path $script:RestartRegistryKeys.$RestartAction -Name $script:RestartRegistryProperty -Value $psCall
function Remove-RestartRegistryEntries {
[cmdletbinding()] param()
foreach ($key in $script:RestartRegistryKeys.Keys) {
try { Remove-ItemProperty -Path $script:RestartRegistryKeys[$key] -name $script:RestartRegistryProperty} catch {}
function Restart-ComputerAndUpdater {
[parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int] $CyclesRemaining,
[parameter(mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('RunBeforeLogon','RunAtLogon','NoRestart')] [string] $RestartAction
if ($RestartAction -match "NoRestart") {
Write-WinUpEventLog "Restart-ComputerAndUpdater was called, but '-RestartAction NoRestart' was passed; exiting instead..."
exit 1
else {
Set-RestartRegistryEntry -CyclesRemaining $CyclesRemaining -RestartAction $RestartAction
Write-WinUpEventLog "Rebooting..."
Restart-Computer -Force
@ -264,28 +300,24 @@ function Check-WindowsUpdates {
$SkippedUpdates = New-Object -ComObject 'Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl'
foreach ($update in $SearchResult.Updates) {
if ($FilterInteractiveUpdates -and
[bool]$Update.InstallationBehavior.PSObject.Properties['CanRequestUserInput'] -and # Because StrictMode
[bool]$Update.InstallationBehavior.PSObject.Properties['CanRequestUserInput'] -and
$SkippedUpdates.Add($Update) | out-null
$ApplicableUpdates.Add($Update) | out-null
else {
$ApplicableUpdates.Add($Update) | out-null
$message = ""
if ($ApplicableUpdates.Count -eq 0) { $message += "There are no outstanding applicable updates" }
else {
$message += "There are $($ApplicableUpdates.Count) outstanding applicable updates:`r`n"
$ApplicableUpdates |% { $message += "`r`n - $(_.Title)" }
$message = "There are $($ApplicableUpdates.Count) outstanding applicable updates"
if ($ApplicableUpdates.Count -gt 0) {
$ApplicableUpdates |% { $message += "`r`n - $($_.Title)" }
$message += "`r`n`r`n"
if ($SkippedUpdates.Could -eq 0) { $message += "There are no skipped updates" }
else {
$message += "There are $($SkippedUpdates.Count) skipped updates:`r`n"
$message += "`r`n`r`nThere are $($SkippedUpdates.Count) skipped updates"
if ($SkippedUpdates.Count -gt 0) {
$SkippedUpdates |% { $message += "`r`n - $(_.Title)" }
$message += "`r`n`r`n"
Write-WinUpEventLog -message $message
return $ApplicableUpdates
@ -298,41 +330,31 @@ Run Windows Update, installing all available updates and rebooting as necessary
function Run-WindowsUpdate {
[cmdletbinding()] param()
function Restart-ComputerWrapper {
if ($NoRestart) { write-host "NoRestart: exiting instead"; exit 1; }
Set-RestartRegistryEntry -CyclesRemaining $maxCycles
Restart-Computer -force
$message = "Running Windows Update "
$message += if ($RunFromRegistry) { "from the Restart Registry Key" } else { "after being called directly" }
$message += if ($CalledFromRegistry) { "from the Restart Registry Entry" } else { "after being called directly" }
Write-WinUpEventLog $message
if (Get-RestartPendingStatus) {
Restart-ComputerAndUpdater -CyclesRemaining $maxCycles -RestartAction $script:RestartAction
$UpdateSession = New-UpdateSession
if ($maxCycles -ge 1) {
foreach ($cycleCtr in 1..$maxCycles) {
Write-WinUpEventLog -message "Starting to check for updates. Cycle $cycleCtr of maximum $maxCycles"
$CheckedUpdates = Check-WindowsUpdates -FilterInteractiveUpdates -UpdateSession $UpdateSession
if ((-not $CheckedUpdates) -or ($CheckedUpdates.Count -lt 1)) {
Write-WinUpEventLog "No applicable updates were detected. Done!"
$RebootRequired = Install-WindowsUpdates -UpdateSession $UpdateSession -UpdateList $CheckedUpdates
if ($RebootRequired) {
Write-WinUpEventLog -message "Restart Required - Restarting..."
for (; $maxCycles -gt 0; $maxCycles -= 1) {
Write-WinUpEventLog -message "Starting to check for updates. $maxCycles cycles remain."
$CheckedUpdates = Check-WindowsUpdates -FilterInteractiveUpdates -UpdateSession $UpdateSession
if ((-not $CheckedUpdates) -or ($CheckedUpdates.Count -lt 1)) {
Write-WinUpEventLog "No applicable updates were detected. Done!"
$RebootRequired = Install-WindowsUpdates -UpdateSession $UpdateSession -UpdateList $CheckedUpdates
if ($RebootRequired) {
Write-WinUpEventLog -message "Restart Required - Restarting..."
Restart-ComputerAndUpdater -CyclesRemaining $maxCycles -RestartAction $script:RestartAction
else {
Write-WinUpEventLog "We have reached our max cycle count - note that there may be outstanding updates"