Updating install-VBoxAdditions to pull in new Oracle certs.

jowj 7 years ago
parent f0d5d8b963
commit 0a7e052fbd

@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ function Set-RestartScheduledTask {
$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtLogon -User $currentUser
# SchTasks.exe cannot specify an action with long arguments (maxes out at like 200something chars). Modify it here:
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "$PSHome\Powershell.exe" -Argument "-File `"$tempRestartScriptPath`""
Set-ScheduledTask -taskname $taskName -action $action -trigger $trigger
Set-ScheduledTask -taskname $taskName -action $action -trigger $trigger -allowStartIfOnBatteries -DontStopIfGoingOnBatteries
$message = "Created scheduled task called '$taskName', which will run a temp file at '$tempRestartScriptPath', containing:`r`n`r`n"
$message += (Get-Content $tempRestartScriptPath) -join "`r`n"
@ -421,15 +421,16 @@ function Install-VBoxAdditions {
$baseDir = resolve-path $baseDir | select -expand Path
Write-EventLogWrapper "Installing VBox Additions from '$baseDir'"
Write-EventLogWrapper "Installing the Oracle certificate..."
$oracleCert = resolve-path "$baseDir\cert\oracle-vbox.cer" | select -expand path
$oracleCert = resolve-path "$baseDir\cert\*sha*" | select -expand path
foreach($cert in $oracleCert) {
Invoke-ExpressionEx -checkExitCode -command ('& "{0}" add-trusted-publisher "{1}" --root "{1}"' -f "$baseDir\cert\VBoxCertUtil.exe",$cert)
# NOTE: Checking for exit code, but this command will fail with an error if the cert is already installed
Invoke-ExpressionEx -checkExitCode -command ('& "{0}" add-trusted-publisher "{1}" --root "{1}"' -f "$baseDir\cert\VBoxCertUtil.exe",$oracleCert)
Write-EventLogWrapper "Installing the virtualbox additions"
Invoke-ExpressionEx -checkExitCode -command ('& "{0}" /with_wddm /S' -f "$baseDir\VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe") # returns IMMEDIATELY, goddamn fuckers
while (get-process -Name VBoxWindowsAdditions*) { write-host 'Waiting for VBox install to finish...'; sleep 1; }
Write-EventLogWrapper "virtualbox additions have now been installed"
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
"InstallFromIsoPath" {
$isoPath = resolve-path $isoPath | select -expand Path
