# Postrges settings ## Documentation for this image and available settings can be found on hub.docker.com ## https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres POSTGRES_USER=mmuser POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mmuser_password POSTGRES_DB=mattermost POSTGRES_DATA_PATH=./data/postgres # relative paths will work but absolute are preferable # Nginx ## The nginx container will use a configuration found at the NGINX_MATTERMOST_CONFIG. The config aims ## to be secure and uses a catch-all server vhost which will work out-of-the-box. For additional settings ## or changes ones can edit it or provide another config. Important note: inside the container nginx sources ## every config file inside */etc/nginx/conf.d* ending with a *.conf*. ## Inside the container the uid and gid is 101. The folder owner can be set with ## `sudo chown -R 101:101 ./data/mattermost`. NGINX_MATTERMOST_CONFIG=./nginx/mattermost.conf NGINX_DHPARAMS_FILE=./nginx/dhparams4096.pem CERT_PATH=./certs/fullchain.pem KEY_PATH=./certs/privkey.pem ## Exposed ports to the host. Inside the container 80 and 443 will be used HTTPS_PORT=443 HTTP_PORT=80 # Mattermost settings ## Inside the container the uid and gid is 2000. The folder owner can be set with ## `sudo chown -R 2000:2000 ./data/mattermost`. MATTERMOST_CONFIG_PATH=./data/mattermost/config MATTERMOST_DATA_PATH=./data/mattermost/data MATTERMOST_LOGS_PATH=./data/mattermost/logs MATTERMOST_PLUGINS_PATH=./data/mattermost/plugins MATTERMOST_CLIENT_PLUGINS_PATH=./data/mattermost/client-plugins ## Configuration settings for Mattermost. Documentation on the variables and the settings itself can be found at ## https://docs.mattermost.com/administration/config-settings.html ## Keep in mind that variables set here will take precedence over the same setting in config.json. This includes ## the system console as well and settings set with env variables will be greyed out. ## Below one can find necessary settings to spin up the Mattermost container MM_SQLSETTINGS_DRIVERNAME=postgres MM_SQLSETTINGS_DATASOURCE=postgres://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@postgres:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}?sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=10 ## Example settings (any additional setting added here also needs to be introduced in the docker-compose.yml) MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL=https://mm.example.com MM_LOGSETTINGS_CONSOLELEVEL=debug MM_LOGSETTINGS_FILELEVEL=debug MM_PASSWORDSETTINGS_MINIMUMLENGTH=6 MM_PASSWORDSETTINGS_SYMBOL='false' MM_PASSWORDSETTINGS_UPPERCASE='false'