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- name: Purge all rooms with more then N events
shell: |
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer {{ awx_janitors_token.stdout[1:-1] }}" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "delete_local_events": false, "purge_up_to_ts": {{ awx_purge_epoche_time.stdout }}000 }' "{{ awx_synapse_container_ip.stdout }}:{{ matrix_synapse_container_client_api_port }}/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_history/{{ item[1:-1] }}"
register: awx_purge_command
- name: Print output of purge command
msg: "{{ awx_purge_command.stdout }}"
- name: Pause for 5 seconds to let Synapse breathe
seconds: 5