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# Tasks related to getting rid of s3fs (if it was previously installed)
- name: Check existence of matrix-s3fs service
stat: path="/etc/systemd/system/matrix-s3fs.service"
register: matrix_s3fs_service_stat
- name: Ensure matrix-s3fs is stopped
service: name=matrix-s3fs state=stopped daemon_reload=yes
register: stopping_result
when: "matrix_s3fs_service_stat.stat.exists"
- name: Ensure matrix-s3fs.service doesn't exist
path: "/etc/systemd/system/matrix-s3fs.service"
state: absent
- name: Ensure s3fs-credentials doesn't exist
path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/s3fs-credentials"
state: absent
- name: Ensure S3fs Docker image doesn't exist
name: "{{ matrix_docker_image_s3fs }}"
state: absent