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- name: Check DNS SRV record
cmd: "dig -t srv {{ ('_matrix._tcp.' + hostname_identity + '.')|quote }}"
register: result_dig_srv
changed_when: false
ignore_errors: true
- name: Fail if dig failed
msg: "Failed checking DNS SRV record. You likely don't have the `dig` program installed locally. Full error: {{ result_dig_srv }}"
when: "result_dig_srv.stderr != ''"
# We expect an answer like this:
# _matrix._tcp.DOMAIN. 10800 IN SRV 10 0 8448 matrix.DOMAIN.
- name: Fail if DNS SRV record incorrect
msg: "It appears the DNS SRV record for {{ hostname_identity }} is not set up correctly. See the 'Configuring DNS' documentation for this playbook. Full DNS answer was: {{ result_dig_srv.stdout }}"
when: "('8448 ' + hostname_matrix) not in result_dig_srv.stdout"
- name: Report correct DNS SRV record
msg: "The DNS SRV record for {{ hostname_identity }} points to {{ hostname_matrix }}, as expected"