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32 lines
958 B

- name: Call matrix-registration list all tokens API
url: "{{ matrix_registration_api_token_endpoint }}"
follow_redirects: none
validate_certs: "{{ matrix_registration_api_validate_certs }}"
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: "SharedSecret {{ matrix_registration_admin_secret }}"
method: GET
body_format: json
check_mode: false
register: matrix_registration_api_result
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
matrix_registration_api_result_message: >-
matrix-registration result:
{{ matrix_registration_api_result.json | to_nice_json }}
check_mode: false
- name: Inject result message into devture_playbook_runtime_messages_list
devture_playbook_runtime_messages_list: |
devture_playbook_runtime_messages_list | default([])
check_mode: false