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# The tasks below run before `validate_config.yml`.
# To avoid failing with a cryptic error message, we'll do validation here.
# This check is mostly relevant to people who explicitly define `matrix_synapse_workers_enabled_list`
# (Synapse Workers users from the earlier days of this PR -
# In the future, it should be possible to remove this check.
# Our own code which dynamically builds `matrix_synapse_workers_enabled_list` does things right.
- name: Fail if required property not defined for worker
msg: "Synapse workers (like {{ matrix_synapse_worker_details | to_json }}) need to define a `{{ item }}` property"
- id
- name
- type
- app
- port
- webserving
when: "item not in matrix_synapse_worker_details"
# Names are used for container names and systemd services.
# Routing happens based on container names, so Synapse processes that try to route to workers with underscores in the name will complain. Example:
# > InvalidCodepoint Codepoint U+005F at position 46 of 'matrix-synapse-worker-stream-writer-3-account_data' not allowed
- name: Fail if worker name includes underscore
msg: "Unrecognized Synapse worker `name`: `{{ }}`. It must not include underscores"
when: "'_' in"
- name: Fail if worker type unknown
msg: "Unrecognized Synapse worker `type`: `{{ matrix_synapse_worker_details.type }}`. Supported types are: {{ matrix_synapse_known_worker_types | join(', ') }}"
when: "matrix_synapse_worker_details.type not in matrix_synapse_known_worker_types"
- name: Fail if worker app unknown
msg: "Unrecognized Synapse worker `app`: `{{ }}`. Supported types are: {{ matrix_synapse_workers_avail_list | join(', ') }}"
when: " not in matrix_synapse_workers_avail_list"
- block:
- name: Fail if stream_writer_stream not defined for stream_writer worker
msg: >-
Synapse stream_writer workers (such as {{ item }}) need to define a valid `stream_writer_stream` property
(not `{{ matrix_synapse_worker_details.stream_writer_stream|default('undefined') }}`).
Supported types are: {{ matrix_synapse_workers_known_stream_writer_stream_types | join(', ') }}
when: "'stream_writer_stream' not in matrix_synapse_worker_details or matrix_synapse_worker_details.stream_writer_stream not in matrix_synapse_workers_known_stream_writer_stream_types"
- name: Fail if replication_port not defined for stream_writer worker
msg: "Synapse background workers of type stream_writer (such as {{ item }}) need to define a valid `replication_port` property"
when: "'replication_port' not in matrix_synapse_worker_details"
when: "matrix_synapse_worker_details.type == 'stream_writer'"
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
matrix_systemd_services_list: "{{ matrix_systemd_services_list + [ + '.service'] }}"
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
matrix_synapse_webserving_workers_systemd_services_list: "{{ matrix_synapse_webserving_workers_systemd_services_list + [ + '.service'] }}"
when: matrix_synapse_worker_details.webserving | bool
# Inject stream writers and various other background workers into the instance map.
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
matrix_synapse_instance_map: "{{ matrix_synapse_instance_map | combine({ {'host':, 'port': matrix_synapse_worker_details.replication_port}}) }}"
when: matrix_synapse_worker_details.type in matrix_synapse_known_instance_map_eligible_worker_types