# Maintenance and Troubleshooting ## How to see the current status of your services You can check the status of your services by using `systemctl status`. Example: ``` sudo systemctl status matrix-nginx-proxy ● matrix-nginx-proxy.service - Matrix nginx proxy server Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/matrix-nginx-proxy.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-11-14 19:38:35 UTC; 49min ago ``` You can see the logs by using journalctl. Example: ``` sudo journalctl -fu matrix-synapse ``` ## Postgres You can access the Postgres command line interface using the script installed on your server at `/usr/local/bin/matrix-postgres-cli`. This playbook attempts to preserve the Postgres version it starts with. When you are ready to upgrade to a new Postgres version, read through the [guide for upgrading PostgreSQL](maintenance-upgrading-postgres.md).