matrix.example.tld { handle { encode zstd gzip reverse_proxy localhost:81 { header_up X-Forwarded-Port {http.request.port} header_up X-Forwarded-TlsProto {tls_protocol} header_up X-Forwarded-TlsCipher {tls_cipher} header_up X-Forwarded-HttpsProto {proto} } } } matrix.example.tld:8448 { handle { encode zstd gzip reverse_proxy { header_up X-Forwarded-Port {http.request.port} header_up X-Forwarded-TlsProto {tls_protocol} header_up X-Forwarded-TlsCipher {tls_cipher} header_up X-Forwarded-HttpsProto {proto} } } } example.tld { # Uncomment this if you are following "(Option 3): Setting up reverse-proxying of the well-known files from the base domain's server to the Matrix server" of @wellknown { path /.well-known/matrix/* } handle @wellknown { reverse_proxy https://matrix.example.tld { header_up Host {http.reverse_proxy.upstream.hostport} } } }