* my personal notes for deploying ** setup - create a file in ~inventory~ called ~hosts~ #+BEGIN_SRC text [matrix_servers] matrix.awful.club #+END_SRC - make sure you have the proper gpg key on your file system ( since we are using the "open the vault" method of protecting our passwords here) - Make sure you've got the posix ansible collection installed: ~ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix~ ** updating ansible roles TLDR: when updating the playbook and before running it, you'll need to run make roles to make ansible-galaxy download dependency roles (see the requirements.yml file) to the roles/galaxy directory. Without this, the playbook won't work. ** common scripts: ~ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts matrix-docker-ansible-deploy/setup.yml --tags=setup-all,start~ - this will upgrade your configured matrix things. ** rekeying the gpg thing - make sure you know the ansible vault password - encrypt the ansible-vault password with your new gpg key - name that new file "vault_passphrase.gpg" - there u go ** pulling in changes from upstream remote first make sure you've got the remote configured: - ~git remote add upstream git://theurl~ - ~git fetch upstream~ now you can merge in changes: - ~git checkout main~ - ~git merge upstream/main~