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<h1>Hosting static sites on S3</h1>
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<h1 id="hosting-static-sites-on-s3">Hosting static sites on S3</h1>
<p>Turns out this was pretty straightforward. The steps are basically:</p>
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>* decide on a dns name for your static page
* create an S3 bucket using that name (bullshit.jowj.net)
* upload at least one file to your bucket
* change bucket to enable hosting static pages (ensure you set the file you uploaded to be your index)
* copy fully qied aws name of endpoint and point cname (bullshit) to that endpoint
* boom done.
<p>I’d had this as a “thing to do” for forever, but I guess I thought it’d be more involved. this was just really straight forward.</p>