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5 years ago
<h1>josiah ledbetter</h1>
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<h1 id="seattle">seattle</h1>
<p>we flew in to seattle from austin at 845 am. dont take that flight it was fucking horrible but it did give us a full day there despite flying for 4 hours.</p>
<h2 id="sheris-house">sheris house</h2>
<p>we drove around a bunch, but we started the night at sheris. we saw new (baby!) cats and ate good food and had our photo taken by a family friend.
<img src="/photos/lt-thanksgiving/sheris-house.jpeg" alt="sheris house" /></p>
<h2 id="jills-house">jills house</h2>
<p>i forgot to take pictures this trip so heres some from last year:
<img src="/photos/lt-thanksgiving/josiah.jpeg" alt="josiah" />
this is jills back porch and it feels fake to me. so many trees its stunning.</p>
<p><img src="/photos/lt-thanksgiving/mule.jpeg" alt="mule" />
we played a lot of mule, an old atari 800 game. its a lot of fun; laura hates computer games but since this is just a board game with calculations and tabulations done by a computer she sorta fell in love</p>
<h2 id="food-at-marthas">food at marthas</h2>
<p>i forgot to take pictures of food. and also forgot to take a lot of other pictures. i did get a funny picture of lauras family though, it was great:
<img src="/photos/lt-thanksgiving/family-sit-time.jpeg" alt="family sit time" /></p>