You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

76 lines
2.3 KiB

import requests
from binascii import unhexlify
# convert that to int, since we're gonna be xoring it
def hexToIntConversion(hexString):
'''use like "hexToIntConversion(given)"
converedBytes = unhexlify(hexString)
return converedBytes
# xor new int with all possible ascii codes
def xorIntAgainstAllAsciiCodes(convertedBytes):
'''use like "print(xorIntAgainstAllAsciiCodes(hexToIntConversion(given)))"
possibleAnswers = {}
for possibleKey in range(256):
possibleAnswers[possibleKey] = ''.join(chr(byte ^ possibleKey) for byte in convertedBytes)
return possibleAnswers
# ok great, you have the data you need, now you have to *weigh* the data you have
def weighPossibleAnswers(possibleAnswers):
freqs = {
'a': 0.0651738, 'b': 0.0124248,'c': 0.0217339,
'd': 0.0349835,'e': 0.1041442,'f': 0.0197881,
'g': 0.0158610,'h': 0.0492888,'i': 0.0558094,
'j': 0.0009033,'k': 0.0050529,'l': 0.0331490,
'm': 0.0202124,'n': 0.0564513,'o': 0.0596302,
'p': 0.0137645,'q': 0.0008606,'r': 0.0497563,
's': 0.0515760,'t': 0.0729357,'u': 0.0225134,
'v': 0.0082903,'w': 0.0171272,'x': 0.0013692,
'y': 0.0145984,'z': 0.0007836,' ': 0.1918182
scoredAnswers = {}
for answer in possibleAnswers.values():
scoredAnswers[answer] = 0
for letter in answer:
if letter in freqs.keys():
scoredAnswers[answer] += freqs[letter]
return scoredAnswers
def rateWeighedAnswers(scoredAnswers):
mostLikelyAnswer = max(scoredAnswers.values())
ratedAndWeighedAnswers = {}
for key,value in scoredAnswers.items():
if value == mostLikelyAnswer:
ratedAndWeighedAnswers[key] = value
return ratedAndWeighedAnswers
def main():
# what do we start with?
# get the list of strings (each string is 60 characters)
request = requests.get('')
requestArray = request.text.splitlines()
ratedDataTable = {}
for eachRequest in requestArray:
byteConversion = hexToIntConversion(eachRequest)
xoredData = xorIntAgainstAllAsciiCodes(byteConversion)
ratedData = rateWeighedAnswers(weighPossibleAnswers(xoredData))
if __name__ == "__main__":