Failed attempt using challenge3's function code.

jowj 6 years ago
parent 018a5344dd
commit 4083a17dba

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import requests
from binascii import unhexlify
# get the list of strings (each string is 60 characters)
request = requests.get('')
requestArray = request.text.splitlines()
# here's the code used in challenge 3, which is said to be useful
def xor_SingleByte(hexed):
alphabet = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z']
unHexed = unhexlify(hexed)
# generate a dict of possible answers and their decryption keys
tableOfPossibleAnswers = {}
for code in range(256):
possibleAnswer = ''.join(chr(byte ^ code) for byte in unHexed)
if possibleAnswer.isprintable():
tableOfPossibleAnswers[code] = possibleAnswer
# weight the answers using a simple english alphabet list
if tableOfPossibleAnswers:
weightedCodes = {}
for key,value in tableOfPossibleAnswers.items():
weightedCodes[value] = 0
for letter in alphabet:
if letter in value:
weightedCodes[value] += 1
# find the highest value and return it and its corresponding key
maxValue = max(weightedCodes.values())
answerValue = []
for key in weightedCodes:
if weightedCodes[key] == maxValue:
answerValue = key
# now i need to use that to key into the original tableOfPossibleAnswers to return the answer and the decryption key.
for key,value in tableOfPossibleAnswers.items():
if tableOfPossibleAnswers[key] == answerValue:
print(key, tableOfPossibleAnswers[key])
for string in requestArray: