
15 lines
707 B

- name: Deploy Mojo JoJo
hosts: dockerhosts
- mojo-vars-vault.yml
remote_user: josiah
- name: Pull latest version from github
command: cd ~/mojojojo-bot && git pull
- name: Build from the latest version
command: cd ~/mojojojo-bot && docker build -t mojo -f docker/dockerfile .
- name: Check if there are any existing mojo containers running and kill it
# this has to be a shell because command: isn't interactive
shell: docker ps | grep 'mojo' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker kill
- name: Run the newly built docker container
command: docker container run -e "SLACK_BOT_TOKEN={{ VAULT_SLACK_BOT_TOKEN }}" --restart "always" -d mojo