jowj 435de2adfc Fix multiple prompt issues:
- fixed pwsh admin prompt colors
- update .bashrc prompt to match pwsh styling
- add dumb ascii art to .bashrc
2019-04-20 22:38:52 -05:00

86 lines
3.3 KiB

## Internal stuff
function AsciiWriteHostWrapper {
[parameter(Position=0)] [string] $message = "",
[Alias('f')] $foregroundColor,
[Alias('b')] $backgroundColor
$pp = @{}
$pp['NoNewline'] = $true
$pp['Object'] = $message
if ($foregroundColor) { $pp['foregroundColor'] = $foregroundColor }
if ($backgroundColor) { $pp['backgroundColor'] = $backgroundColor }
write-host @pp
set-alias whw AsciiWriteHostWrapper
function Newline {write-host ""}
$psv = "Powershell $($PsVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())"
try {
$osv = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.VersionString
catch {
$osv = /usr/bin/uname -a
## Exported functions
function Show-AsciiHatchet {
whw " /'-./\_" -f white; newline
whw " : " -f white; whw -f darkred "||"; whw ",>" -f white; newline
whw " \.-'" -f white; whw -f darkred "||"; newline
whw " ||" -f darkred; whw -f green " BURIED"; newline
whw " ||" -f darkred; whw -f green " HATCHET"; newline
whw " ||" -f darkred; newline
function Show-AsciiMetroid {
$EE = "$([char]926)$([char]926)"
whw -f green " .---."; newline
whw -f green " / "; whw -f red "@" ; whw -f green " \"; newline
whw -f green " \ "; whw -f red "@ @"; whw -f green " /"; newline
whw -f yellow " {'"; whw -f green "^"; whw -f yellow "'}"; newline
whw -f white " -- SQU$EE!!"; newline
function Show-AsciiBWWindowsLogo {
# Originally from,50-.html
write-host ' ,-~¨^ ^¨-, _,'
write-host ' / / ;^-._...,¨/'
write-host ' / / / /'
write-host ' / / / /'
write-host ' / / / /'
write-host " /,.-:''-,_ / / /"
write-host ' _,.-:--._ ^ ^:-._ __../'
write-host ' /^ / /¨:.._¨__.;'
write-host ' / / / ^ /'
write-host ' / / / /'
write-host ' / / / /'
write-host ' /_,.--:^-._/ / /'
write-host '^ ^¨¨-.___.:^'
function Show-AsciiCurvyWindowsLogo {
whw -f red ' ,-~ ~-,' ; whw -f green ' ,_~ ~-, ' ; whw $env:COMPUTERNAME ; newline
whw -f red ' / /' ; whw -f green ' / / ' ; newline
whw -f red ' /,- -,/' ; whw -f green ' /,- -,/ ' ; whw $psv ; newline
whw -f blue ' ,-~ ~-,' ; whw -f yellow ' ,_~ ~-, ' ; newline
whw -f blue ' / /' ; whw -f yellow ' / / ' ; whw $osv ; newline
whw -f blue ' /,- -,/' ; whw -f yellow ' /,- -,/ ' ; newline
function Show-AsciiSquareWindowsLogo {
$spaces = ' '
whw ' '; whw -b red $spaces; whw -b green $spaces ; newline
whw ' '; whw -b red $spaces; whw -b green $spaces ; whw "$psv" ; newline
whw ' '; whw -b blue $spaces; whw -b yellow $spaces ; whw "$osv" ; newline
whw ' '; whw -b blue $spaces; whw -b yellow $spaces ; newline
Export-ModuleMember -function Show-Ascii*