# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright © 2018, 2019 Damir Jelić # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for # any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the # above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY # SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER # RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF # CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. """Module implementing upload functionality.""" from __future__ import unicode_literals import attr import time import json from typing import Dict, Any from uuid import uuid1, UUID from enum import Enum try: from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError except ImportError: JSONDecodeError = ValueError # type: ignore from .globals import SCRIPT_NAME, SERVERS, W, UPLOADS from .utf import utf8_decode from matrix import globals as G from nio import Api class UploadState(Enum): created = 0 active = 1 finished = 2 error = 3 aborted = 4 @attr.s class Proxy(object): ptr = attr.ib(type=str) @property def name(self): return W.infolist_string(self.ptr, "name") @property def address(self): return W.infolist_string(self.ptr, "address") @property def type(self): return W.infolist_string(self.ptr, "type_string") @property def port(self): return str(W.infolist_integer(self.ptr, "port")) @property def user(self): return W.infolist_string(self.ptr, "username") @property def password(self): return W.infolist_string(self.ptr, "password") @attr.s class Upload(object): """Class representing an upload to a matrix server.""" server_name = attr.ib(type=str) server_address = attr.ib(type=str) access_token = attr.ib(type=str) room_id = attr.ib(type=str) filepath = attr.ib(type=str) encrypt = attr.ib(type=bool, default=False) done = 0 total = 0 uuid = None buffer = None upload_hook = None content_uri = None file_name = None mimetype = "?" state = UploadState.created def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.uuid = uuid1() self.buffer = "" server = SERVERS[self.server_name] proxy_name = server.config.proxy proxy = None proxies_list = None if proxy_name: proxies_list = W.infolist_get("proxy", "", proxy_name) if proxies_list: W.infolist_next(proxies_list) proxy = Proxy(proxies_list) process_args = { "arg1": self.filepath, "arg2": self.server_address, "arg3": self.access_token, "buffer_flush": "1", } arg_count = 3 if self.encrypt: arg_count += 1 process_args["arg{}".format(arg_count)] = "--encrypt" if not server.config.ssl_verify: arg_count += 1 process_args["arg{}".format(arg_count)] = "--insecure" if proxy: arg_count += 1 process_args["arg{}".format(arg_count)] = "--proxy-type" arg_count += 1 process_args["arg{}".format(arg_count)] = proxy.type arg_count += 1 process_args["arg{}".format(arg_count)] = "--proxy-address" arg_count += 1 process_args["arg{}".format(arg_count)] = proxy.address arg_count += 1 process_args["arg{}".format(arg_count)] = "--proxy-port" arg_count += 1 process_args["arg{}".format(arg_count)] = proxy.port if proxy.user: arg_count += 1 process_args["arg{}".format(arg_count)] = "--proxy-user" arg_count += 1 process_args["arg{}".format(arg_count)] = proxy.user if proxy.password: arg_count += 1 process_args["arg{}".format(arg_count)] = "--proxy-password" arg_count += 1 process_args["arg{}".format(arg_count)] = proxy.password self.upload_hook = W.hook_process_hashtable( "matrix_upload", process_args, 0, "upload_cb", str(self.uuid) ) if proxies_list: W.infolist_free(proxies_list) def abort(self): pass @property def msgtype(self): # type: () -> str assert self.mimetype return Api.mimetype_to_msgtype(self.mimetype) @property def content(self): # type: () -> Dict[Any, Any] assert self.content_uri if self.encrypt: content = { "body": self.file_name, "msgtype": self.msgtype, "file": self.file_keys, } content["file"]["url"] = self.content_uri content["file"]["mimetype"] = self.mimetype # TODO thumbnail if it's an image return content return { "msgtype": self.msgtype, "body": self.file_name, "url": self.content_uri, } @property def render(self): # type: () -> str assert self.content_uri if self.encrypt: http_url = Api.encrypted_mxc_to_plumb( self.content_uri, self.file_keys["key"]["k"], self.file_keys["hashes"]["sha256"], self.file_keys["iv"] ) url = http_url if http_url else self.content_uri description = "{}".format(self.file_name) return ("{del_color}<{ncolor}{desc}{del_color}>{ncolor} " "{del_color}[{ncolor}{url}{del_color}]{ncolor}").format( del_color=W.color("chat_delimiters"), ncolor=W.color("reset"), desc=description, url=url) http_url = Api.mxc_to_http(self.content_uri) description = ("/{}".format(self.file_name) if self.file_name else "") return "{url}{desc}".format(url=http_url, desc=description) @attr.s class UploadsBuffer(object): """Weechat buffer showing the uploads for a server.""" _ptr = "" # type: str _selected_line = 0 # type: int uploads = UPLOADS def __attrs_post_init__(self): self._ptr = W.buffer_new( SCRIPT_NAME + ".uploads", "", "", "", "", ) W.buffer_set(self._ptr, "type", "free") W.buffer_set(self._ptr, "title", "Upload list") W.buffer_set(self._ptr, "key_bind_meta2-A", "/uploads up") W.buffer_set(self._ptr, "key_bind_meta2-B", "/uploads down") W.buffer_set(self._ptr, "localvar_set_type", "uploads") self.render() def move_line_up(self): self._selected_line = max(self._selected_line - 1, 0) self.render() def move_line_down(self): self._selected_line = min( self._selected_line + 1, len(self.uploads) - 1 ) self.render() def display(self): """Display the buffer.""" W.buffer_set(self._ptr, "display", "1") def render(self): """Render the new state of the upload buffer.""" # This function is under the MIT license. # Copyright (c) 2016 Vladimir Ignatev def progress(count, total): bar_len = 60 if total == 0: bar = '-' * bar_len return "[{}] {}%".format(bar, "?") filled_len = int(round(bar_len * count / float(total))) percents = round(100.0 * count / float(total), 1) bar = '=' * filled_len + '-' * (bar_len - filled_len) return "[{}] {}%".format(bar, percents) W.buffer_clear(self._ptr) header = "{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}".format( W.color("green"), "Actions (letter+enter):", W.color("lightgreen"), " [A] Accept", " [C] Cancel", " [R] Remove", " [P] Purge finished", " [Q] Close this buffer" ) W.prnt_y(self._ptr, 0, header) for line_number, upload in enumerate(self.uploads.values()): line_color = "{},{}".format( "white" if line_number == self._selected_line else "default", "blue" if line_number == self._selected_line else "default", ) first_line = ("%s%s %-24s %s%s%s %s (%s.%s)" % ( W.color(line_color), "*** " if line_number == self._selected_line else " ", upload.room_id, "\"", upload.filepath, "\"", upload.mimetype, SCRIPT_NAME, upload.server_name, )) W.prnt_y(self._ptr, (line_number * 2) + 2, first_line) status_color = "{},{}".format("green", "blue") status = "{}{}{}".format( W.color(status_color), upload.state.name, W.color(line_color) ) second_line = ("{color}{prefix} {status} {progressbar} " "{done} / {total}").format( color=W.color(line_color), prefix="*** " if line_number == self._selected_line else " ", status=status, progressbar=progress(upload.done, upload.total), done=W.string_format_size(upload.done), total=W.string_format_size(upload.total)) W.prnt_y(self._ptr, (line_number * 2) + 3, second_line) def find_upload(uuid): return UPLOADS.get(uuid, None) def handle_child_message(upload, message): if message["type"] == "progress": upload.done = message["data"] elif message["type"] == "status": if message["status"] == "started": upload.state = UploadState.active upload.total = message["total"] upload.mimetype = message["mimetype"] upload.file_name = message["file_name"] elif message["status"] == "done": upload.state = UploadState.finished upload.content_uri = message["url"] upload.file_keys = message.get("file_keys", None) server = SERVERS.get(upload.server_name, None) if not server: return server.room_send_upload(upload) elif message["status"] == "error": upload.state = UploadState.error if G.CONFIG.upload_buffer: G.CONFIG.upload_buffer.render() @utf8_decode def upload_cb(data, command, return_code, out, err): upload = find_upload(UUID(data)) if not upload: return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK if return_code == W.WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR: W.prnt("", "Error with command '%s'" % command) return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK if err != "": W.prnt("", "Error with command '%s'" % err) upload.state = UploadState.error if out != "": upload.buffer += out messages = upload.buffer.split("\n") upload.buffer = "" for m in messages: try: message = json.loads(m) except (JSONDecodeError, TypeError): upload.buffer += m continue handle_child_message(upload, message) return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK