hammerSpoonEmoji = "🔨🥄" hs.printf("======== config file reloaded ========") hs.alert.show(hammerSpoonEmoji .. " Config Loaded") animationDuration = 0 -- window sizing hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "ctrl"}, "Left", function() local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() local f = win:frame() local screen = win:screen() local max = screen:frame() f.x = max.x f.y = max.y f.w = max.w / 2 f.h = max.h win:setFrame(f) end) hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd","ctrl"}, "Right", function() local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() local f = win:frame() local screen = win:screen() local max = screen:frame() f.x = max.x + (max.w / 2) f.y = max.y f.w = max.w / 2 f.h = max.h win:setFrame(f) end) hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "ctrl"}, "f", function() -- size focused window to size of desktop local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() local f = win:frame() local screen = win:screen() local max = screen:frame() f.x = max.x f.y = max.y f.w = max.w f.h = max.h win:setFrame(f) end) hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "ctrl"}, "up", function() -- size focused window to top half of display local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() local f = win:frame() local screen = win:screen() local max = screen:frame() f.x = max.x f.y = max.y f.w = max.w f.h = max.h / 2 win:setFrame(f) end) hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "ctrl"}, "down", function() -- size focused window to bottom half of display local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() local f = win:frame() local screen = win:screen() local max = screen:frame() f.x = max.x f.y = max.y + (max.h / 2) f.w = max.w f.h = max.h / 2 win:setFrame(f) end) -- quick reload hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "ctrl"}, "R", function() hs.reload() end) -- stolen from @mrled appCuts = { e = 'Emacs', d = 'Dash', h = 'Hammerspoon', f = 'Firefox', l = 'Slack', o = 'Microsoft Outlook', p = 'Bitwarden', r = 'Riot', s = 'Safari', t = 'iTerm', c = 'Google Chrome' } modalHotKey = dofile(os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/hammerspoon/modalHotKey.lua") appActionTable = {} for key, app in pairs(appCuts) do appActionTable[key] = function() hs.application.launchOrFocus(app) end end appModal = modalHotKey.new( hs.hotkey.modal.new({"cmd", "ctrl"}, "Space"), appActionTable, appCuts, hammerSpoonEmoji .. "Awful App Switcher" ) -- stolen from stackoverflow, for moving between monitors. -- Get the focused window, its window frame dimensions, its screen frame dimensions, -- and the next screen's frame dimensions. -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54151343/how-to-move-an-application-between-monitors-in-hammerspoon hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "ctrl"}, "o", function() local focusedWindow = hs.window.focusedWindow() local focusedScreenFrame = focusedWindow:screen():frame() local nextScreenFrame = focusedWindow:screen():next():frame() local windowFrame = focusedWindow:frame() -- Calculate the coordinates of the window frame in the next screen and retain aspect ratio windowFrame.x = ((((windowFrame.x - focusedScreenFrame.x) / focusedScreenFrame.w) * nextScreenFrame.w) + nextScreenFrame.x) windowFrame.y = ((((windowFrame.y - focusedScreenFrame.y) / focusedScreenFrame.h) * nextScreenFrame.h) + nextScreenFrame.y) windowFrame.h = ((windowFrame.h / focusedScreenFrame.h) * nextScreenFrame.h) windowFrame.w = ((windowFrame.w / focusedScreenFrame.w) * nextScreenFrame.w) -- Set the focused window's new frame dimensions focusedWindow:setFrame(windowFrame) end)