;; org-mode shit. (defun my/org-mode-hook () "Stop the org-level headers from increasing in height relative to the other text." (dolist (face '(org-level-1 org-level-2 org-level-3 org-level-4 org-level-5)) (set-face-attribute face nil :weight 'semi-bold :height 1.0))) (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'my/org-mode-hook) ;; makes a task show up m-f, but you can't cycle todos; <%%(memq (calendar-day-of-week date) '(1 2 3 4 5))> ;; these xah- funcs are REALLY useful during security CTFs lmfao. ;; sql shit, etc. (defun xah-html-decode-percent-encoded-url () "Decode percent encoded URL of current line or selection. Example: %28D%C3%BCrer%29 becomes (Dürer) Example: %E6%96%87%E6%9C%AC%E7%BC%96%E8%BE%91%E5%99%A8 becomes 文本编辑器 URL `http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs_url_percent_decode.html' Version 2018-10-26" (interactive) (let ( $p1 $p2 $input-str $newStr) (if (use-region-p) (setq $p1 (region-beginning) $p2 (region-end)) (setq $p1 (line-beginning-position) $p2 (line-end-position))) (setq $input-str (buffer-substring-no-properties $p1 $p2)) (require 'url-util) (setq $newStr (url-unhex-string $input-str)) (if (string-equal $newStr $input-str) (progn (message "no change" )) (progn (delete-region $p1 $p2) (insert (decode-coding-string $newStr 'utf-8)))))) (defun xah-html-encode-percent-encoded-url () "Percent encode URL in current line or selection. Example: http://example.org/(Dürer) becomes http://example.org/(D%C3%BCrer) Example: http://example.org/文本编辑器 becomes http://example.org/%E6%96%87%E6%9C%AC%E7%BC%96%E8%BE%91%E5%99%A8 URL `http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs_url_percent_decode.html' Version 2018-10-26" (interactive) (let ($p1 $p2 $input-str $newStr) (if (use-region-p) (setq $p1 (region-beginning) $p2 (region-end)) (setq $p1 (line-beginning-position) $p2 (line-end-position))) (setq $input-str (buffer-substring-no-properties $p1 $p2)) (require 'url-util) (setq $newStr (url-encode-url $input-str)) (if (string-equal $newStr $input-str) (progn (message "no change" )) (progn (delete-region $p1 $p2) (insert $newStr)))))