Add new packages.

This commit is contained in:
jowj 2019-02-07 13:20:56 -06:00
parent 680bf9130d
commit df8ccacb19

View File

@ -121,8 +121,10 @@
'(("c" "generic \"to do\" capture template" entry
(file "~/Nextcloud/Documentsy/org/")
"" :immediate-finish t)))
'(org-bbdb org-bibtex org-docview org-gnus org-habit org-info org-irc org-mhe org-rmail org-w3m))
'(pdf-tools weechat jedi python-mode pylint py-autopep8 powershell outline-magic markdown-mode magit flycheck exec-path-from-shell elpygen elpy ein doom-themes csharp-mode)))
'(flymake-python-pyflakes pdf-tools weechat jedi python-mode pylint py-autopep8 powershell outline-magic markdown-mode magit flycheck exec-path-from-shell elpygen elpy ein doom-themes csharp-mode)))
;; run emacs as server (connect to it with `emacsclient`)