Update <C-c J> binding to go to the .org init file.

This commit is contained in:
jowj 2019-06-12 17:21:56 -05:00
parent 1ec361448e
commit b634ccc038

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
;; Bootstrap's bootstraps
;;;; bootstrap's bootstraps
(setq user-init-file "~/Documents/projects/agares/applicationConfiguration/.emacs/init.el")
(setq user-init-file "~/Documents/projects/agares/applicationConfiguration/.emacs/jlj-init.org")
(require 'package)
(setq package-archives
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
'(global-hl-line-mode t)
(org-bullets org-bulle web-mode jedi znc yaml-mode which-key use-package twittering-mode try smex racer python-mode pylint py-autopep8 powershell pdf-tools outline-magic org2blog multiple-cursors magit helm flycheck-rust eyebrowse exec-path-from-shell emojify elpy ein doom-themes dockerfile-mode docker csharp-mode ansible anaconda-mode ace-window)))
(org-pdfview jedi znc yaml-mode which-key use-package twittering-mode try smex racer python-mode pylint py-autopep8 powershell pdf-tools outline-magic org2blog multiple-cursors magit helm flycheck-rust eyebrowse exec-path-from-shell emojify elpy ein doom-themes dockerfile-mode docker csharp-mode ansible anaconda-mode ace-window)))
(("bouncer.awful.club" 5000 t