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josiah 871765bad5
Update paths to use a consistent dir to avoid app warnings.
2 years ago
group_vars/all Create tailscale role, add vars, basic skeleton. 3 years ago
host_vars/ Move to wg portal setup on larva. 3 years ago
inventory Make gitea better; new images, new theme, etc. 3 years ago
roles Update paths to use a consistent dir to avoid app warnings. 2 years ago
acme-all.yml Add role for creating new certs for the IRC service. 3 years ago
all.yml Change this to only deploy to hatchery. 3 years ago
ansible.cfg Add several roles; restructure group vars; restructure inventory. 4 years ago
awfulAll.yml Add freshrss, update readme. 4 years ago
clients.yml Move to single file for client deploys. 4 years ago
cloud_wg.yml Prepare for wg migration from hatchery to larva. 3 years ago
mediaserver.yml Fix stupid problems with mediaserver role; redo gpg. 3 years ago Easily handle ansible vault stuff! 4 years ago Update readme. 3 years ago
requirements.yml Add several roles; restructure group vars; restructure inventory. 4 years ago
tailscale.yml Create tailscale role, add vars, basic skeleton. 3 years ago
vault_passphrase.gpg Fix stupid problems with mediaserver role; redo gpg. 3 years ago
wg_homeportal.yml Move to wg portal setup on larva. 3 years ago

setup from scratch:

install dependencies

ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml

run a play

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml all.yml --ask-vault-pass --ask-become-pass

preparing open_the_vault



you probably want to deploy clients individually most of the time. to do that, provide a tag, like: ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml client_matrix.yml --ask-vault-pass --ask-become-pass --tags matrix_client

adding a client

  • generate a new public/private keypair
  • umask 077
  • wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey
  • add the pubkey to the groupvars/main.yml
  • add the privkey to the groupvars/vault.yml
  • add a task referencing the new client
  • add a template with the groupvars embedded.

instructions on specific roles


awfulAll is a single server that's a catch all for services that don't need a dedicated vm. ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml awfulAll.yml --tags awfulAll


ansible-playbook awfulAll.yml --tags mediaserver

certs/letsencrypt/acme stuff

ansible-playbook acme-all.yml -v

  • right now for bouncer, syno