josiah c1c7f552b6 Working webdav commit with one big oopsie.
the FUCKING bytemark image fucking recursively chowns everything you
mount to its fucking directory, which if collossally fucking stupid.

now i've gotta go build my own fucking image and test it and make sure
it works and fuck :(
2020-11-13 22:54:11 -06:00

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Org Mode

* setup from scratch:
** install dependencies
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
** run a play
~ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml all.yml --ask-vault-pass --ask-become-pass~
** preparing open_the_vault
* wg
** clients
you probably want to deploy clients individually most of the time. to do that, provide a tag, like:
~ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml client_matrix.yml --ask-vault-pass --ask-become-pass --tags matrix_client~
** adding a client
- generate a new public/private keypair
- ~umask 077~
- ~wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey~
- add the pubkey to the groupvars/main.yml
- add the privkey to the groupvars/vault.yml
- add a task referencing the new client
- add a template with the groupvars embedded.
* instructions on specific roles
** awfulAll
awfulAll is a single server that's a catch all for services that don't need a dedicated vm.
~ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml awfulAll.yml --tags awfulAll~
** mediaserver
~ansible-playbook awfulAll.yml --tags mediaserver~