Add role specific declarations.

jowj 4 years ago
parent 9e172580bc
commit 7e62efcbb9

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
# defaults file for wg_vpn
wireguard_server_listen_port: 51820
wireguard_server_lan_interface: enp3s0

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
# handlers file for wg_vpn
# handlers file for wg_vpn
- name: restart wireguard
service: name=wg-quick@wg0.service state=restarted

@ -2,65 +2,35 @@
# tasks file for wg_vpn
# playbook to go from a "base configured" server to a wg vpn peer
- name: "generating config on relay server"
msg: "config on relay is starting"
verbosity: 1
- name: generate config on relay server
include: pretasks_debian.yml
become: yes
- name: add unstable to repos
shell: |
echo "deb unstable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unstable.list
printf 'Package: *\nPin: release a=unstable\nPin-Priority: 90\n' > /etc/apt/preferences.d/limit-unstable
- name: "generating config on local mac"
msg: "config on mac is starting"
verbosity: 1
when: source_os == 'macos'
- name: generate config on local mac
include: pretasks_mac.yml
delegate_to: localhost
when: source_os == 'macos'
- name: install wireguard
# hardcoded header here is for digital oceans :(
- wireguard
- build-essential
- dkms
- linux-headers-4.19.0-6-cloud-amd64
update_cache: yes
state: latest
- name: "generating config on local arch"
msg: "config on arch is starting"
verbosity: 1
when: source_os == 'arch'
- name: generate config on local arch
include: pretasks_arch.yml
delegate_to: localhost
when: source_os == 'arch'
- name: Enable IP forwarding
sysctl: name={{ item }} value=1 state=present
- net.ipv4.ip_forward
- net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding
- name: generate config for IOS on local machine
include: pretasks_ios.yml
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Create wireguard config directory
file: state=directory path=/etc/wireguard owner=root group=root mode=0700
- name: "completing config on server"
msg: "config on relay is resuming"
verbosity: 1
- name: complete config, wg up on relay server
include: posttasks_debian.yml
become: yes
- name: complete config, wg up on local mac
include: posttasks_mac.yml
delegate_to: localhost
when: source_os == 'macos'
- name: Install wireguard configuration
template: src=wg0.conf dest=/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf owner=root group=root mode=0600
notify: restart wireguard
- name: "generating config on local arch"
msg: "config on arch is completing"
verbosity: 1
when: source_os == 'arch'
- name: complete config on local arch
include: posttasks_arch.yml
delegate_to: localhost
when: source_os == 'arch'
- name: "generating config for iOS"
msg: "config for IOS is completing"
verbosity: 1
- name: complete config for IOS on local machine
include: posttasks_ios.yml
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Start wireguard
service: name=wg-quick@wg0.service enabled=yes state=started

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
PrivateKey = {{ wireguard_server_privkey }}
We want the Address field here to be an IP address
with the whole network in CIDR notation, like
If wireguard_vpn_network is a CIDR network like,
and wireguard_server_offset is an integer like 1,
this will produce an offset of the start of the network + CIDR prefix,
which in this case will be the desired
Address = {{ wireguard_vpn_network | ipaddr(wireguard_server_offset) }}
ListenPort = {{ wireguard_server_listen_port }}
{% for client in wireguard_clients %}
# {{ }}
PublicKey = {{ client.pubkey }}
We want the Address field here to be an IP address
withOUT the whole network in CIDR notation, like
If wireguard_vpn_network is a CIDR network like,
and client.offset is an integer like 15,
this will produce an offset of the start of the network with a /32 CIDR prefix
which in this case will be the desired
AllowedIPs = {{ wireguard_vpn_network | ipsubnet(32, client.offset) }}
{% endfor %}