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2020-01-04 23:50:13 +00:00
* adc: agares deployment core
this was spun out of agares (which has sense been deprecated) to keep my machine setup bullshit separate from deploys and small docker-compose files not deserving of their own repo.
** ansible
houses ansible roles
*** arke
- deploys monitoring script
- its mostly broken.
- relies on droplet config
*** mojobot
- deploy mojobot
- two portions; web and rtm client.
- relies on droplet config
*** znc
- deploys znc bouncer
- relies on external drive attached to droplet
- relies on droplet config
*** awfulAll
- deploy mojobot
- deploy znc
- deploy arke
- relies on droplet config
*** droplets
- add regular user, sudo group, add user to group
- use local droplet key
- disable pw auth for root
- update apt and install req packages
- restart sshd service.
*** onprem
- configure aptitude
- add docker key, repo
- install req packages
- add my user to docker group.
*** splunk_servers
- remnent of a past job
- i don't believe ever worked
- here for historical purposes.
*** wg_vpn
2020-01-04 23:50:13 +00:00
** docker
houses small dockerfiles / dockercompose stuff.
*** mediaserver
- docker compose file
- sonarr (tv)
- radarr (movie)
- lidarr (music)
- sabnzb (dl manager)
- lazylibrarian (this sucks and doesn't really work)
2020-01-05 00:13:10 +00:00
** scripts
houses small scripts that i used to use before i moved to ansible for most things. these should probably all get deleted or converted to ansible roles.
*** mac-client
- set up brew
- install req packages
*** win-client
- install packages through chocolatey
- disable a bunch of default shit.
*** nix
- add repos
- download key to install pscore
- update apt and install packages
- automatically create userchrome.css file/dir for ff