FROM alpine:3.7 ENV GPG_KEY D5823CACB477191CAC0075555AE420CC0209989E # modperl and modpython are built, but won't be loadable. # :full image installs perl and python3 again, making these modules loadable. # musl silently doesn't support AI_ADDRCONFIG yet, and ZNC doesn't support Happy Eyeballs yet. # Together they cause very slow connection. So for now IPv6 is disabled here. ARG CMAKEFLAGS="-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/znc -DWANT_CYRUS=YES -DWANT_PERL=YES -DWANT_PYTHON=YES -DWANT_IPV6=NO" ARG MAKEFLAGS="" ENV ZNC_VERSION 1.7.1 RUN set -x \ && adduser -S znc \ && addgroup -S znc \ && apk add --no-cache --virtual runtime-dependencies \ boost \ ca-certificates \ cyrus-sasl \ icu \ su-exec \ tini \ tzdata \ && apk add --no-cache --virtual build-dependencies \ boost-dev \ build-base \ cmake \ curl \ cyrus-sasl-dev \ gettext \ gnupg \ icu-dev \ libressl-dev \ perl-dev \ python3-dev \ && mkdir /znc-src && cd /znc-src \ && curl -fsSL "${ZNC_VERSION}.tar.gz" -o znc.tgz \ && curl -fsSL "${ZNC_VERSION}.tar.gz.sig" -o znc.tgz.sig \ && export GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)" \ && gpg --keyserver --recv-keys "${GPG_KEY}" \ && gpg --batch --verify znc.tgz.sig znc.tgz \ && rm -rf "$GNUPGHOME" \ && tar -zxf znc.tgz --strip-components=1 \ && mkdir build && cd build \ && cmake .. ${CMAKEFLAGS} \ && make $MAKEFLAGS \ && make install \ && apk del build-dependencies \ && cd / && rm -rf /znc-src COPY / COPY /startup-sequence/ COPY /startup-sequence/ COPY /startup-sequence/ COPY /startup-sequence/ VOLUME /znc-data ENTRYPOINT ["/"]