* mojojojo-bot.py: Add new argument for handle_command.

jowj 6 years ago
parent 213a61b930
commit f27398b747

@ -76,17 +76,23 @@ def handle_command(command, channel):
Executes bot command if the command is known
# Default response is help text for the user
default_response = "fuck off bithc"
# Finds and executes the given command, filling in response
default_response = "tell j- to actually fucking write somthing."
response = None
# This is where you start to implement more commands!
if command.startswith(EXAMPLE_COMMAND):
response = "Sure...write some more code then I can do that!"
if command.startswith("say"):
response = "you're not my real dad"
if command.startswith("download"):
response = "you wouldn't download a %s" % (select_noun())
if "arke" in command:
results_file = Path("/shared/results.json")
if results_file.is_file():
open_file = open(results_file)
for line in open_file:
response = line
response = "Most recent status failed to write to file :("
# Sends the response back to the channel
